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trouble 47

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  1. Smithy 70 How do i know if default is Good? You say keep playing hardbull should i be talking to them as the rep at link is leaving vocemail now. If i dont have contact with them they say they could issue court letters which i dont want . What will the CCA do Think the CC was taken out early 2000 Is there a link for a cca letter
  2. Hi Ims There may be some PPI not sure though as i nothing to check on. Is there aletter we could send? We have already told link earnings and mortage as didnt realise shouldn't have told them . My husband was out of work for about 6 months so was catching up with payments we had a few reminders sent from mbna saying payments missed i called them and agreed amount to pay and what each payment would be. We kept getting letters but each time we called we were told the letters were different to what we had missed !! When link next call should i answer and say please put in writing as not sure what to do just want to get sorted
  3. I hope someone can help. Mbna sold my husbands debt to Link Financial Outsourcing. They brought the debt after MBNA had sent a default notice after missing payments . The last payment to mbna was in may 2012. Link recently called asking to discuss account as it is in my husbands name (as took me off account about a year ago ) my husband sent an email saying that he gave me full authorisation to dicuss account with them. When they called me back on my mobile they asked for the full amount of £4***. I explained that we didnt have that kind of money so he promptly said we will accept £3***. I then said i cannot get that amount either so what happens. The advisor then said how much could i pay and i told him i could pay £600 then arrange for a montly payment to them by direct debit if thats what they wanted. He said because mbna had served a default noticed and payments were missed couldn't accept our offer The advisor then came back and said that he would need to know what our income and outgoings were. He called me back the next day and i told him what our earnings were and mortage ,other loans etc were. He also asked what our mortage was and what was outstanding and how much house was worth, t hey couldnt accept that and should over the weekend try and get the money either from friends or maybe ask our mortage company. We have no way of getting the extra money only £600. I explained to him that we just want to pay the £600 then a monthly payment as do no want any court action! The advisor said he would call back after the weekend to see what i could get he called my mobile yesterday but i ignored it as i do not know what to do . Can anyone help or has anuyone been in the same stituation
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