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  1. And I'm still waiting today for the Fools to get back to me - just wondering if OFT have gotten involved -,they asked me today to email or send everything off to them - sent them an MP3 and was told they break rules and will do some digging! Might be worth everyone writing to watchdog and daybreak - they love bringing these people down!
  2. Hi Guys, well let me update you. My debt with TF/WLP /ndr/mhb - I set up an agreement with them on the grounds that he sent me the agreement in letter by post, he said he would - two weeks later and nothing so Ive decided not to pay - OFT said that I could ask for anything in writing as its my right under the CCA - It never came so I started to get the usual crap - also the fact the debt is in dispute brings me onto the next part where they sent it to NDR, who had no joy so now MHB who are also getting no luck - heres the voice mail I got this evening - seems they do not want to play ball so as far as I am concerned they can take me to court and let the judge decide. I have started forwarding emails and info to OFT who did say they are putting together a file on all these companies especially WLP who seem to be the new TF - I am giving the guy at WLP until Friday to get back to me , if I hear nothing then I will go straight back to OFT. I've got that many emails from these people , with no less than 14 breeches of OFT rules that I am more than happy to present that to my judge - I think they forget - I am in control of this debt - I have more rights, yet they seem to think they can bypass british law - oh well - another day tomorrow - the 2nd guy I informed about the breeches told me that I had to deal with the original person and he was sorry (yes sorry) oh well I am so going to watch these people fold - they can mess with others - I could sink them with the crap I have on them via email TXTand v/mail. Sorry not been updating of late, been really busy - will keep you all posted!!
  3. will just forward them my emails and tell them to highlight the breeches - Ive now found 7, and also had a letter today that contains 2 - 1 of which is one they were sanctioned for LOL
  4. Got a question for you - can interest and further money be added to a debt that has been defaulted? Also under the CCA74 should a company not give atleast 14 days notice before a default is added? X:)
  5. I have 10 emails with various threats and unlawful crap from then - will do it tomorrow - didn't realise wonga got done for it - I find wonga to be the best out of this bunch of cretins - any heads up on wat to write to OFT about the fraud issue? Never been accused of it b4
  6. accused me in the email - ''you stated that your income was £XXX per month. As a result we are concerned that you have provided us with fradulent information. If this is the case, this file needs to be passed to our fraud department who will liase with the appropriate authorities, and deal with it accordingly'' I told him then to take me to court as what info i gave them was correct at the time and I have proof of this. I was told I did not have to send them any kind of proof, I also told them I did not trust them enough to send my personal information. In the end they have agreed to my offer and I will have the cretins out of my hair by January. J ust feel sorry for the less brave who do not tackle these people full on
  7. I've sorted mine this evening thankfully - exchaged about 10 emails of rants & raves with web procs but in the end they saw it my way and accepted my offer - I informed them that the emails & text they sent me were unlawful and broke atleast 6 OFT guidelines - the guy then accused me of fraud - this went on for 8 emails and then on my 8th told them to take me to court and issue a CCJ - they then accepted my offer and all is sweet. For now - also told them I'm only paying the original debt and if they send it to NDR I would ignore as the company is dormant - anymore crap from these and I will see them in court - a group of morons who should be doing community service
  8. makes me laugh how these companies don't have an actual email address for customers to use - instead of going through all that crap on their website - maybe they are scared of all the hate mail they may get - out of interest does anyone have a direct email for NDR or TFF?
  9. Chin up lingus - don't let those morons get you down - just remember 3 words -NO LEGAL RIGHT - if they still say you have not paid it let them take you to court and fight it out - My TF is in disbute so I doubt I will be hearing from our friends at NDR or MHB for a little while (saying that this is TTF we are talking about) lol Send them the proof, if they still ignore, tell them to take you to court - if you have the proof and they are choosing to ignore it, then im sure a judge will go in your favour and quash the whole saga - they are out to get as much as they can - sod the real debt they think - its the extra on top they want - they remind me of the old school late 90s collector MOORCROFT hehe - I had fun with them too - chin up mate - you will beat them and remember you are the boss, not them
  10. lingus - just ignore marshall - if you know you have paid then leave it at that - I've had dealings with them and NDR with my friend - a bunch of muppets - don't phone them, just send them a recorded letter with the proof - thats it - then get them out of your life - good luck! I had TFF asking me for income proof etc - told them to whistle - still claim they need it before i can set up a plan
  11. Hey guys, new to the forum, kinda having fun with these people myself at the moment. Just got a question for you - can web loans processing collect toothfairy debts? I have WLP contacting me with regards to my TF loan and just not sure if they are allowed to. I did offer TF a payment plan for next 3 months but they are having it non of it, so they can go whistle and take me to court. Is toothfairy dormant, if so what does that mean for us? Many thanks
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