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  1. Hi, looking for some help/advice. Started a 24 month Orange contract at end November 2011, on a £41/month Panther plan, with £6/mth insurance through Orange Care, with a new Blackberry Bold 9900. This phone had signal issues, but put up with them as didn't think anything of it. Had a fault with the phone within a month - put on charge one night and woke up in the morning and phone would not switch on, and Orange Care replaced handset. Within another month, started having signal problems again, signal would drop to SOS when trying to make a call, again phoned Orange who organised a replacement handset. That handset had exactly the same problem, so Orange changed my sim card. Still the same fault, and after many hours on the phone to customer service, they said it was down to the masts in the area having problems. Put up with it for a few more months, until the handset started turning itself off when trying to take a picture or use other features on the phone, Orange again replaced. Now, within two weeks of that replacement, the microphone has broken. This new replacement also has the signal problems that have plagued the phone since the contract started. That is 4 brand new Blackberry Bold 9900s that have gone wrong in under 12 months, all with the same underlying signal problem. I am normally quite easy going, but this has driven me insane, and I am at my wits end. Orange cannot replace with a 9900 as they are out of stock, so have offered me a 9360, a 9800 or a 9860, all of which are inferior to the Bold 9900. I believe that Orange are in major breach of contract, as well as breaching the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, as does my legal adviser. I would like to stay with Orange, as a past customer of Vodafone (who are ten times worse!). However, to do an early upgrade, they would like me to pay off the remaining 12 months of my 24 month contract, at a cost of £387.24. I am unwilling to pay this, as I am already paying for a service I am not receiving 1005 of the time, whereas Orange say they are providing the service because they replaced the phones that have been faulty. I am seriously tempted to cancel the direct debit, and go and sign up for a new contract on the iPhone 5 with Orange. What are your views? Thanks for any input/advice. Ed
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