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Michela Giorgi

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  1. Hi everyone!! We received another letter from RLP What are we supposed to do?? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. THANKS EVERYONE! We also would like to know IF we pay, it is true that the case ends or not? What do you think? Is there anyone that paid to RLP and dind't receive more letters? Many thanks
  3. Hi everyone We sent a letter to RLP in wich we deny their liability. They sent us another letter in which they ask us to pay IN TOTAL £243.75 (before it was £243.75 per each). If we reject to pay, their client (Primark) will be entitled to issue a Claim in the County Court and if proceedings are issued, our liability will increase due to additional Court fees, legal costs and interest. Is it true?? What should we do? PLEASE HELP US!!! Thanks to everybody!!
  4. Thank you Andy for your tip. We have another question: Do you think that we should turn up to the Court? Because we are pretty sure we are going to lose, given that we committed a WRONGFUL action. If we receive the CCJ for default judgment, because we didin't turn up, how can they contact us given that we live in another country? Both Primark and RLP have our personal details of our origin country Thanks very much
  5. Thank you HB for answering. We are going to leave UK in two months then we won't read RLP letters and any other kind of letter anymore. If Primark will take us to the court, what happens if we won't show up?
  6. Thanks Andy for answering. Anyone knows if Primark (the store involved in this case) took any court action in the past? Two months have passed and we received letters just from RLP and not from Primark. Do you think that after 2 months Primark still take us to the court?? Is it convenient for Primark do it? ( The amount is £161 and the amount required from RLP is £243.50 per each) When was the Oxford case taken to the Court? Thanks very much for any help
  7. Hi everybody! We received others letters from RLP and we are worried. We would like to know if the store is going to take us to the court. Is it convenient, for that store, takes us to the court? Is it going to win??If the store didn't take us to the court until now, it means that it won't do it in the future?? We need HELP!!!!! thank everyone!!!
  8. Hi everyone! We committed a wrongful action on xxxxxxxxx We tried to take some items from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The value of the total items was xxxxxxx We didin't get the items. We were arrested by the police and at the end we received a caution. On the xxxxxxxx we received our first letters from RLP with different amount to pay without reason ( £130 and £187.50). They said that we had to pay within 21 days but before the deadline, on xxxxxxxxxx we received others two letters with the same amount of xxxxxxx and we don't know why. We shame of us for our bad behaviour and now we are very WORRIED about the consequences. How can we deal with this big problem? Do you think that we have to ignore the letters or we should pay? Is there a remote possibility that the case ends in the Court? Please help us. Every advice is accepted! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Thanks very much.
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