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  1. Have been reading some blogs. As regards to the " Parking Mad " Program. I think the police knew that something may come of it. And to avoid any contraversial action or repremand, had their faces pixeled out. Not just one or two but all of them. Which made me suspisious as to why.I have a letter from the MOS of Policing who says he cannot intervene and also states there are no guildlines as to the Police involvement in such operations. Clearly worrying he doesn't know there is.
  2. I have been through a similar thing which i was told Police do not get involved with Civil matters regarding bailiffs. Whan a bailiff illegally clamped my daughters car. And after calling 3 times they didnt attend and even went to the police station was told same thing. Then I watched the "Parking Mad" programme relised that I was being lied to by the people who are meant to be an upstanding law abiding body of people. Who swear to uphold the law of the land. This is nw gone to the IPCC and my MP. Happened start of the year and still awaiting a proper answer as I havent had one yet. The Police were adiding and abetting the bailiffs unlawful actions to demand money with menaces. And people paid up because of the police presents, but had the right to drive off, after the Police was finished with them. I can understane working with variious agencies to combat crime. But the only reason these cars were stopped was because of outstanding parking contraventions. The peolpe in the film or whom were stopped by this method all need to make complaints. Espeacilly those whos cars were registered disabled and work vans, As the Droppy eyed Essex bird and her old mans methods of getting money out of these people were wrong. And its all on camera, that they brokeguildlines to which they must adhere to.
  3. I am not gonna keep replying to your opions mate, cause your starting to f*** me off. Its his decision and I havent got a gun ro his head. I know what I would do. And I havent got time to keep reading your rants. As im a busy man. Austin123 its upto you what you want to do I am not telling you to appeal, but through my experience in dealing with councils parking and have even been in front of a District Judge on two occassions have got my relatives off. BUT just to get Jameson off his high horse. The decision is yours. Try appealnow.com barries segelas you can get advice from them, who deal with these cases daily.
  4. If you read the message it said. That "I" would, meaning ME! Would appeal it. Its upto him Austin123 if he does it or not. He asked for others peoples views and thats mine. Based on what he has said and the research he has done himself. I am not getting into arguments about it. As I said its my view on it and what I would do.
  5. I would defaintly appeal on them grounds, and keep it simple as to your reasons. Because the adjudicator do not like people quoting the rules and regs to them. Expalin why rather than tell them. If you know what I mean.It will also help you if you are not a repeat (offender) in getting parking fines.One last thing a lot of people do not know. When you appeal to the Adjudicator, the authority has to send you a case pack which you must recieve within 3 working days of your hearing. If you don't recieve it then it will be cancelled. Westminster is one of the worst councils for breaking enforcement regulations.
  6. Although this post is old. I make you right in every word you stated. Welldone! [REMOVED]
  7. If what you say is correct, I would defaintly appeal to the adjudicator. Right or wrong it is rare any authority will cancel the Pcn. And the appeal to the adjudicator will be your best option. As long as you have photos of their errors in the signage.
  8. Snap! I have the same problem, with the same company, and mine is £100 more. The best thing is to contact the Court, Normally Northampton County Court and explain to them your situation, and you fill out a out of time witness statement and hopefully they can revoke it. But the council can still ask for the original pcn charge. I had the same problem a few years ago. The ticket belonged to my son and the P**** clamped my van. He produced a warrant notice to remove goods. And after a few good words to the Mug, he thought better to remove it even though he said he didnt clamp it. Which my cctv showed he did. Anyway when the courts opened I rang them and they told me that they hadn't issued a warrant, So the company was using an old warrant and doctored it or it wasn't a proper document. But at the end of the day I immediately filled out the forms to the court that you can download off the net and sent them off. The court cancelled the whole thing. Just let them know you were too scared of the fee going up and up so you paid it under duress, because you didnt know what to do as your reasons were just ignored. I hate these people and the traffic wardens, simply beause all they do is cause misery to people, nothing more than bullies. Hope you sort it.
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