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Everything posted by Rapha

  1. Hello My brother and his partner are profoundly deaf and currently receive DLA however my brother's partner has received a form for PIP. They are both convinced she won't be awarded PIP because they say they know of no deaf person being awarded PIP. Does anyone have experience of this, either with a deaf friend/relative or are deaf themselves?
  2. Hello My mother has received her last ESA payment and is now a pensioner. She receives DLA middle rate for care, what is the maximum savings she can have as a pensioner? Thanks
  3. I have advised my brother about avoiding Remploy and other providers but he is insistent that he wants to go. Remploy told him that he needs to be referred by the job centre but he is not registered with any job centre so would he go to the JC and just ask for a referral?
  4. I'm not sure if I need to create another thread for this question or need to try a different category. Has anyone on ESA had experience with Workwise or been on a free training course that has led directly to full time employment? If someone receives ESA SG, gets a job then is paid off due to job cuts, can they re apply for ESA or is it unlikely they would receive it because they had been working and would need to apply for job seekers instead even if they have a disability which limits job prospects?
  5. Thank you Antone, that is helpful information and I will pass it on to my brother.
  6. My brother told me he wants to work and has been told by Remploy, about a year ago, that they might be able to get him a job in CCTV. Do you mean by - " WP provider raised invalid benefit doubts", that they thought the person should not be eligible for ESA SG because they wanted to look for work even if their disability meant many jobs were unsuitable?
  7. Hello My brother has recently been transferred to ESA Support group and has asked me to find out the following. 1. If he asks the job centre to refer him to Remploy or The Shaw Trust, will this affect his ESA, may he lose it by attending either place? 2. If he missed an appointment at either place, would he be sanctioned? Thank you.
  8. If someone on ESA is attending Remploy or The Shaw Trust do they have to also attend the job centre for work programmes, work focused interviews etc?
  9. Hello If a person is receiving ESA support group and ask to be referred to Remploy will they be taken off this benefit and told to apply for JSA and the same question regarding ESA WRAG income based? Also, does Remploy sanction people if they do not want a particular job being offered and will they force someone to take a job which makes them financially worse off? Thanks
  10. Why do they ask you to apply for ESA when being transferred from SDA if you are not eligible, do they not know or look into why each person they are sending this letter to is in receipt of it? Are some disabilities no longer classed as disabilities?
  11. Your friends are lucky. My brother is also profoundly deaf and every time he has applied for a job he has been told they can't employ him for health and safety reasons. His partner suffers from depression/anxiety which she receives medication for. I'm confused, if someone receives SDA because of a disability why are they then not considered for ESA? Going by past experience they are highly unlikely to be given jobs because they are deaf and the health and safety rules.
  12. Hello, My brother's partner is deaf and has received SDA for several years. She has just received a letter asking her to now apply for ESA. Does anyone have info regarding ESA and deafness, have many deaf people who had been in receipt of SDA now been put onto JSA or ESA WRAG rather than ESA support group?
  13. I will pass on this info to my sister in law. I nearly passed out when she told me she had been paying the catalogue instead of the tax. Thank you for your help.
  14. Hello My sister in law bought a sofa from a catalogue buy now pay later. She now has to pay bedroom tax because her oldest child is under 10. Instead of paying the tax she paid the catalogue and got into arrears which have thankfully been paid thanks to a family member but now she can't manage to pay for the tax and the catalogue. The amount owed is around £900 and she has been paying £50 a month. As far as I know she hasn't missed any payments. Is there some sort of debt agency which could help lower her catalogue payments? Thank you
  15. Hi, it all went smoothly, phew. Everyone I spoke to on the phone to close my claim was nice and I went for an apponitment at the job centre to fill out the IS form and the lady was friendly and put me at ease as I was nervous. I'm now on CA and IS though I don't know for how long with the PIP coming in. Thanks for asking
  16. Rapha

    S d a

    Thanks for your replies everyone.
  17. Rapha

    S d a

    Thanks very much, I will have a look.
  18. Rapha

    S d a

    Hello I wonder if anyone can help me out with a question. My brother receives SDA and has been for many years. Now that SDA is being replaced with ESA is it possible he could be refused ESA because his disability is not physical and put on job seekers. He is profoundly deaf and it's not something that will improve. A hearing aid is of no use to him, he would need an interpreter so that he would know what people are saying. Would the DWP or job centre provide one each time he has to attend for JSA or if he receives ESA WRAG and has to attend wherever they send him or is this something he would have pay for himself?
  19. Thanks. Does anyone know if they will ask why I am closing the claim and do I have to tell them I am applying for something else?
  20. Hello again I received the form to claim for ESA a few weeks ago but wish to claim for CA and IS instead. Do I write to the job centre to inform them I do not wish to claim or do I need to phone someone? Or do I just go ahead and fill in an online form for CA and IS? Thanks
  21. Will do, thanks to all who replied, you have been very helpful.
  22. Yes, my mum is in the support group. I read on either the dwp or gov site that there is no time limit in the support group but is that just the case if you have enough contributions left and get nothing once they have been used up even though you are still eligible to be in the support group?
  23. Thanks Connie I have just thought of something else. A few months ago my mum received a letter stating that her ESA (support group) contributions/stamp would run out on Nov 21st and as my father works full time she will not be entitled to any more ESA payments. She receives DLA middle rate care which was awarded indefinitely at a tribunal. I realise she will have to re apply when PIP starts. Could the DLA be stopped also because of the end of her ESA contributions? Also do they give further notice, as in a letter stating her payments will stop in 1, 2, 3 weeks time for example? Apart from her DLA, if it is not stopped, could my mum be entitled to any other benefit and if so would it affect me if I receive IS & CA?
  24. Hello I have read that IS for those age 25 and over is around £71 per week and CA is £58.45. I also read the following on Gov.uk - If you get the following benefits you’ll get extra Carer’s Allowance, but these benefits are then reduced by that amount: Income Support I'm not sure what this means. Does it mean, if I am awarded IS & CA I would receive both of the above payments per week or reduced/no CA if I receive IS?
  25. I am going to apply for ESA but if I am told I need to go for a medical, which I don't want to go through again, do I tell the DWP I am withdrawing my claim then claim for IS & CA? Will withdrawing my ESA claim affect the new claims and how long do I need to wait from withdrawing my claim to applying for IS & CA?
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