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  1. Hello ! Travel company Clear Sky Holidays increased their price by £25pp. According to them i was too late to make a booking (deadline was 26/10/2012). I did it online on 25/10. I know that according to their form I was not giving them the exact details, but fine print says: "Booking required via Clear Sky Holidays at "web site mentioned which I can`t post according to this forum rules" or by phone: 0844 493 4655." So that means I completed my first step. After a while I received an email: Hi Tom, Thanks for the interest in the offer that we were advertising. If you can contact me on my direct line number 02085111742, so that we can discuss the holiday and book it for you. I would be in the office from 09:00am till 06:00pm you can contact me anytime during these times. Kind Regards Alan Clear Sky Holidays 02085111742. Called them back to a number showed above, but company said that they have to increase a price, because I was too late to make a booking, that was my fault and blamed me. Yes I called them few days after I received an e-mail. I was away. But according to fine print there is a choice: online OR by phone. On the online form there is no mentioning of additional phone call which I have to make in order to "complete booking" (so I though that I have done everything before deadline comes), in e-mail there was no period of time as well. So was it a fair play from their side or am I being ripped off ? Cheers ! Ernie
  2. Could you guys at least tell me what I am actually facing and is there any way somehow to make things a tiny bit better ?
  3. Hello ! I`m a 23 years old full-time student in London. I own a motorbike for nearly a year now. Had no problems, but recently my previous landlord contacted that I have still incoming mail. That was two statutory declarations (issued on 9th of October) from Islington council for driving on a bus lanes. Penalties were issued on 04/23 and 04/26 in exact same spot on my daily run to my work. They require me to pay in total £404. Even if I had a money to pay I am too late, because I had 21 days to do that. They are threatening me in a letter that i might be fined or jailed up to 2 years, or both... I know that I made mistake by not updating my address in DVLA, but I have changed my location four times this year . Help ! I feel desperate now, if i knew about it straight away I would've paid £65 each or tried to appeal. Thank you ! Ernie
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