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  1. There is definitely a Small Claims Court in Scotland. The letter is from Graham White solicitors but it seems quite airy fairy "Euro Car Parks Ltd may insruct us to tke legal action" "We invite you to contact Roxburghe", " we ask that you provide a serviceable name and address as to who the driver at the time"
  2. I have received a fourth bill now, this one from a solicitor in Surrey, for a PCN from Euro Car Parks Ltd It was originally for £70, £40 for quick payment, but is now at £118. They are threatening a Small Claims Summons and costs taking the bill to a minimum of £170. They are stating the Small Claims Summons to cost £39, I thought these were over £60 now - here in Scotland anyway. I wasn't the driver. Does anybody know if the new law in November, that you have to name the driver, apply in Scotland? And btw the original bill was from Euro Car Parks not Euro Car Parks Ltd. Would this make a difference? Just looking for a way out.
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