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  1. I am so so sorry i have not replied before i have unfortunately not been well. I want to say a huge thankyou to you all for the amazing advice i have this week replied to reliable and await their response . I will keep you updated ... oh since last letter i have had another from them saying court action!!!! Well lets see what comes next ..... thanks again dix
  2. Help and advice needed please.... I am hopeing that some of you on here will be able to offer me some good advice , I have been browsing this site for a while now in the hope of being able to get some good advice for my problem with Reliable. Let me give you some background history:- I have had an account with Simply Be for years now in fact it must be over 9 -10 years as the account is still in my maiden name despite several unsuccesful attempts to change it. in January of this year my husbands hours had been reduced at work so i got behind on my payments i called simply be staright away and explained the situation and asked if there was a tempory arrangement we could come to. at the time they were fairly helpful but i recieved letters from Reliable collections Urgent Notice detailing the outstanding debt £1366.33 with usual initial advice and saying team here to help ect ect. I at that point made arrangement over phone to pay off overdue amount at £69 ever 4 weeks for 6 months this was duely paid and this agreement not broken as they have since suggested in their letters. on 18th July i wrote to Reliable following many unsuccesful attempts to contact them by phone i detailed my current situation explaining that my husband by this time had been made redundant and was only working temporary i also offered an amount of £10 per month temporary until the situation improved i enclosed a financial statement detailing our income and expenditure and the fact that we have had to put arrangements in place with other creditors whom have been agreed. since this time i have had nothing but rude letters and brickwalls put up, i am sure i dont need to detail all the letters but from reading on here they seem the usual ones , despite letters saying we are here to help !!!! HAHAHAHA i have recieved no help from them only 'pay up or we will take further action type letters'. many phone calls etc which i dont answer. I have been regularly every 4 weeks paying the £10 to simply be and have not defaulted atall i am concerned because despite asking that in view of the situation they agree to freeze the interest and charges (£12 administration charges, per letter etc) they have not done so and therefore the debt is increasing!!!. Despite haveing paid in total since the first contact in January £454.00 the most recent letter from reliable states there is a balance outstanding of £1387.67!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so angry at this because i have made every effort to come to some arrangement with these' idiots' and i know the debt is mine and im not saying i dont want to pay it in fact have always said i am mindful to reslove this but i need some understanding and help in this current financial situation i find myself in . LAST LETTER I RECIEVED WAS THE 'YOUR CONDUCT IN THIS MATTER IS UNACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED' how dare they!!!! I have done everything to try and come to an agreement i have not ignored them although since this last letter i have apart from paying my £10. Sorry its long winded if you have any advice i would be so grateful. Dixie
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