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Everything posted by qoheleth22

  1. Thanks Michael On a related matter; if I am parked there where the blue MPV is, I guess I can't do anything about people parking on the road parallel with me, effectively blocking me in though, as it is not a dropped pavement there?
  2. http://www.primelocation.com/for-sale/details/11788088 Hopefully, this shows what I am talking about?
  3. Hello everyone. My house is located on a quiet-ish through road, all residential. Outside my front garden fence is a 4-5 metre wide paved area, then the pavement, then the road. My landlord says it is fine to park on the paved area, but I am a bit worried, as someone else pointed out that I have to drive over the pavement to reach it. Once I am parked on the big paved area, I am not causing an pbstruction, as it is so wide that I can park there and 2 large prams/buggies could still get by. But the pavement next to it does not have a dropped kerb, so "officially/legally", am I allowed to park there? In practice I normally drive up the dropped part which is outside my neighbour's house and then drive onto the paved area outside my house. I just want to avoid getting a ticket if an over-zealous traffic officer comes by one day! I'll try and post a picture soon. Thanks for any advice
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