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Everything posted by Azzza72

  1. Just writing to say thankyou for the advice given me, it worked and I was paid my notice. Just asked them if they would send me a payslip through for my personal files, but then the whole ordeal should be over.
  2. I have posted my letter to the HR department asking for a written reply within 14 days, so we shall see what results from that. I did however receive my P45 today, which I know will have crossed over in the post with my letter. There was no letter with my P45, however interestingly enough there was a pay slip for another former member of staff who left at approximately the same time that I did, this left me wondering whether I was due to be receiving another payment, or whether it was just a mistake.
  3. Thankyou. I did speak to my line manager about the stress issues. We had a meeting away from work just after I went off sick, where effectively I was told that nothing was going to change and that there was nothing that could be done about it as it was the way that the company was changing,
  4. Hi I recently resigned from a job that was making me ill from stress. I knew that I had got another job lined up, even though it is only temporary, that I am now presently working at. However, when I resigned I offered, in writing, to work my notice period of four weeks, less the holidays that were still owed me, but was informed by my manager that they did not want me to work it due to new procedures that had come into place and that they didn't think that I would follow them or give the job my full commitment, which I have not been given in writing. They asked me to take my keys in the following day, which I did in case there were any security issues and was treated as though I had been sacked as opposed to me having resigned, being stood over as I removed my personal items and then escorted off the premises all to a stony silence. Admittedly I did not leave on good terms with my manager, but I wasn't fired I chose to resign and I was not facing any disciplinaries. This all brings me to my present dilemma. I asked one of my former colleagues if she would print out my salary slips for the months of September, October and November (as we had to print them ourselves and weren't issued them), which she managed to sort out for me approximately one week after I had left. My November payslip shows the full amount that I would normally receive for the month, but I had been paid some £300 less than the amount shown. Most people that I have spoken to have said that I should be given payment in lieu of notice as I had offered to work my notice, but it was they who had refused this, which would be in line with a full salary slip for the month of November and some more money due in December. However, I suspect that seeing as they paid me less than what the salary slip states they are intending to not pay me anything. There is nothing mentioned about payment in lieu of notice in my contract, but as stated I did offer to work the notice period and it was they who did not want me to. I have not received a P45 as of yet and when I sent an email regarding the matter, after several days I received a reply stating that I should phone my former manager if I wished to discuss the matter. However I do not wish to discuss it over the phone with her, because I really do not trust either her or the company and so consequently I want my queries to be answered in writing, I personally don't think that this it too much to ask for. Consequently I am wondering if I should seek legal advice regarding the matter. Any advice or information that you could give me would be very much appreciated. I never thought that I would end up being in this position as up to about six months ago I mostly enjoyed my job, but then everything changed, a new manager came in who I found to be totally unapproachable and the amount of stress just escalated to the point of making me physically ill and so I know I have done the right thing in leaving, especially as the reports that I am getting from former colleagues still there are stating that the situation there has gotten worse. Arran
  5. Thankyou, I am now working at the new job. There is a possibility that it may get extended, but that is far from certain, however I do feel much better after leaving my former job and I am still in contact with several people that still work there and if anything it sounds as though the conditions there have gotten worse.
  6. Hi Sorry it's been awhile since I have posted on this thread. The payment to Ashbourne was due to go out on 24th November and it's now 10th December and I haven't heard from them as of yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that everything's good and that the matter is finally over. Will keep you posted if I hear anything else.
  7. Hi I presently have a fulltime job, but I wish to leave as the amount of stress has been making me ill, consequently I am now off sick. The job has changed greatly and more and more workload is being added all the time. I have had a meeting with my line manager, but they are not willing to change anything, so I know that the job won't get any better. I have been offered the possibility of working a temporary job for the run up to Christmas. It's a job that I did when I was at university, so I know what it will entail, but it will definitely end at Christmas. I would be willing to work my notice with the permanent job as well as working the temporary job, due to shifts, but after the Christmas period I would be unemployed, though I would be actively hunting another job, even if it's another temporary position. My concern is, would I be able to sign on and receive JSA, as my last job would have been a temporary one that ran its course, but I had left a permanent job for it? Obviously I wouldn't be intending to be receiving JSA for long, but you cannot be certain of how long it would take to get the next job.
  8. Hi I presently have a fulltime job, but I wish to leave as the amount of stress has been making me ill, consequently I am now off sick. The job has changed greatly and more and more workload is being added all the time. I have had a meeting with my line manager, but they are not willing to change anything, so I know that the job won't get any better. I have been offered the possibility of working a temporary job for the run up to Christmas. It's a job that I did when I was at university, so I know what it will entail, but it will definitely end at Christmas. I would be willing to work my notice with the permanent job as well as working the temporary job, due to shifts, but after the Christmas period I would be unemployed, though I would be actively hunting another job, even if it's another temporary position. My concern is, would I be able to sign on and receive JSA, as my last job would have been a temporary one that ran its course, but I had left a permanent job for it? Obviously I wouldn't be intending to be receiving JSA for long, but you cannot be certain of how long it would take to get the next job.
  9. Many thanks I have sent the letter off today and I will keep you informed as to what their response is. Arran
  10. Hi It doesn't state a contract number at all, it's just a letter, but I can't find the actual contract and I'm not sure how I would go about getting a copy of it. Arran
  11. Hi My membership reference is [edited] and the letter from Ashbourne is dated 06/05/2010. Arran
  12. Hi I'm new here, so please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong. I have a gym membership contract that is collected by Asbourne every month. The contract was for 36 months from May 2010 and I wish to cancel it. I have seen something about the OFT, but I don't know how I would cancel it. I have been paying now since May 2010, so in excess of the 12 months. Could someone please explain how I cancel this, can I just cancel the Direct Debit, or would that result in nasty letters and debt collectors. Unfortunately I cannot find the actual contract, but I do have the initial welcoming letters from both the gym and Ashbourne. Many thanks Arran
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