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  1. I have had a phone call today from the manager asking me to go In and choose a new laptop as they made a mistake by not putting the correct problem down when I first took my laptop in. And if the had of done It would have been fixed the first time and for my inconvenience of not having a laptop for 3 weeks and a potential another 2 weeks I was given either a refund or new one! So I'm happy now! Still have no idea what was wrong with it though
  2. Ok thanks for your help, I'll see what they say and maybe get it repaired and pay.
  3. I had a complete virus screen by the computer shop I first took it too as that's what I thought it was and they got rid of what was on there ( not sure what the proper wording is for it). Then the problem was it was still deleting things. So he hooked it up to a keyboard and the laptop worked fine it stopped deleting things when he took it back off the laptop it started deleting it all again. So he said that it needed a new keyboard. It will only cost £40 for them to do it but it's inside the keyboard that has issues and I didn't do it! Thanks for your replays by the way!
  4. It's a toshiba laptop not sure on the model but i brought it in march and in August it started deleting everything I clicked on. Deleted all shortcuts and I can't click on anything now or it will delete it. I thought the detente key was stuck in so I lifted it up and it came off, it wasn't broken all the bits were still with it but as it was fiddlely I couldn't put it back on myself. i took the laptop to a computer shop who told me that the delete key could be put back on but the fault with it deleting things was inside the keyboard and it would need a new one anyway. I told him I had it for just six months so instead of me paying he suggested I take it back to currys as it should be covered under warrenty. Now when I took it in for repair they wrote down what was wrong with it and sent it away( that it was dwleting everything and that i didnt care about the button being put back on. The day it was due to come back I had a phone call to say it had been sent back un repaired but no paperwork was attached. So they sent it back with the problem of' the delete key was off'. This was not the reason I took it in. I then spoke to the know how team who told me that they wouldn't fix it due to it not being covered by the warrenty. I asked them out of curiosity what they had down to be fixed and they said the delete key needs to be attached! I was not happy I told him what the real problem was and he told me that's not what was on there system and they would need to send it back to the shop to be booked out with the new problem. I went in the shop yesterday to see what was happening and he said the know how team had rang him and told them they wouldn't be repairing it due to accidental damage! As I was so angry he said he will email someone and get back to me as hes going to try and send it off again with the real problem! but as I mentioned the 28 day thing that I had been told on a previous visit, he said its actually 28 working days as if I gave u an exchange it will come off our profit and loss! I was shocked! I don't know where I stand it's six months old and has been unusable for 2 months of that, I wouldn't mind if I had actually broken it but it started dOing it on its own.
  5. I'm just wondering if it is 28 working days as my laptop has now been sent back to the repair centre 3 times as they have said each time my fault is due to accidental damage which it is not and when I went in to speak to the manager he stated 28 working days but when I went in to collect my laptop after the second time a cashier said it was just 28 days I'm unsure.
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