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  1. hi to all,after reading through quite a lot of the info on the forum ref IB to ESA assesments or what ever they are....so i thought i would ask for some help in the matter. i live in spain and i have been on ib since 1998 when in uk. last thursday i got confirmation i was to go to a local spanish med-centre for what i thought was an esa assesment on wednesday 24th oct by whover...but after making a quick enquiry to newcastle dwp i was told i was going for an e213 being puzzled by this i checked my past paper work and relised i had one of these done back in 2005 wherei was classed as permanently incapacitated in terms of taking an employment by the spanish gp specialist in psychiatric.would this now mean it means zero......to anything 2nd point i was told if i do not pass /and expect to fail i was told i could appeal can anyone enlighten me if i get the same time scale as uk claiments,and what is the process if this fails,i am sure i get get job seekers over via the uk and the spanish is if you have not put into the system then you get nothing back.it seems if i fail teh appeal i am hung out to dry by the uk govt!!anyone know better? 3rd point along with my ib i get ib age addition and money for spouse,civil partener,children and other people (this is how it is wrtten on the dwp inf letter to me) also i get child benefit will these be affected in anyway. 4rth point ,am i suppose to get confirmation from the uk dwp of my appointment?all i have is the letter from the spanish medical side and i even thought it was a bit tight in telling me considering all i got was 6 days inc sat & sunday!! 5th point,as i do not speak catalan or very good spanish to get me through this,my wife will be translating again just like before.can anyone tell me if i can claim for my wife translating this,i was told before no but i could get a translator and it would be paid!!! 6-the actual place is miles away from where i stay and one of my main problems is getting on public transport ,i am left with walking but this will take me out my comfort zone as walking further away from here is trouble and and no doubt cause some anxiety getting there if not a biger problem. am willing to go and make a big push by walking there maybe take 1 hour. thanks in advance and will let you all know how it goes on wednesday:!: gnr2461
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