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  1. I paid £200 direct to the bank as final settlement against my credit card debt of £2,500. Beforehand, the bank provided written confirmation that the debt would not be pursued after the £200 was paid and they have honoured that. My credit file on this account shows settled. I don’t feel conned about this. Regarding my overdraft, the banks words (not DCA) are " Once a settlement is made, our agent will accept this in order to close their file and return the remaining balance to Bank. Once returned your account will be closed, the remaining balance written off and your credit file amended to show that a partial settlement has been made." It is the banks words in blue that makes me think that there is scope for getting the overdraft (remaining balance) written off because Fredricksons have returned the overdraft file to bank and in my opinion the bank’s written words state the account will be written off at this stage, not sent to another DCA.I think bank is in breach of their previous written words by now saying they are sending account to another DCA and this is where I need advice. Credit file check show the defaulted overdraft is still with bank (not DCA).
  2. Hello Following my last post, Bryan Carter did nothing and Fredrickson wrote and told me the account had been returned to Bank. Bank acknowledge this in writing but tell me that they are directing the current account to another (as yet un-named collection agent). Does anyone think I can get the bank to write off / accept a lower repayment as full and final settlement on a technicality - see blue text. I had 2 debts with same bank, one for credit card, and one for overdraft. The debts were managed by different collection agents following my DMP. On different occasions, both collection agents wrote offering me reduced re-payment but as full and final settlement. Upon my writing to Bank, about their interpretation and commitment to full and final settlement (i.e. I would be pursued no longer), Bank’s exact written words were: Once a settlement is made, our agent will accept this in order to close their file and return the remaining balance to Bank. Once returned your account will be closed, the remaining balance written off and your credit file amended to show that a partial settlement has been made. Afterwards, I was able to make a one-off reduced payment direct to Bank re: Credit Card and my commitment to them is now ended and my credit file amended. I continued paying Bank c/o Fredrickson re: my current account. Fredrickson wrote and told me the account had been returned to Bank. Bank acknowledge this in writing but tell me that they are directing the current account to another (as yet un-named collection agent). Now, whilst I acknowledge that I did not settle the current account by way off a reduced one-off payment, I have made a partial settlement by way of DMP and reduced payments. Should Bank honour their wording re: your account will be closed and written off as indicated in blue text because Fredrickson have returned the account to Bank? Instead Bank are directing debt to different agent. Opinions please.
  3. I had a bank overdraft for £1,500, was made unemployed and entered in to DMP which I paid regularly and on time. Finances then became so bad that I only offered £1 token amount. Bank passed debt to Fredrickson so I sent Postal Orders to Fredrickson but made payable to the bank and AC Payee crossed. Last week, received a letter from Bryan Carter solicitors advising me of Court Action. Wrote stern letter back to Bryan Carter and also checked my Credit Rating @ Experian who state the debt is still with bank. Does this mean the debt has not been sold on? Can Bryan Carter take action against me for a debt and account that still appears to be with bank? Today, have received a letter from Fredrickson (presume in response to my letter to Bryan Carter) which states “ we are no longer instructed in connection with this matter and have returned the account to our client ”. Within a week, tactics have gone from Court threat to no longer acting for client – is there some technicality behind this before DCA ‘lumber’ me with Court Action?.............. Should I contact bank direct? Thank You
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