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Everything posted by Madmanny

  1. I’ll try to keep this short... i had 5 defaulted accounts. All because I was an idiot and ignored the situation. They’re all in theirs fifth year and credit rating is really on its way up.. Until... I lost my job and I have fallen behind on my Marbles Credit Card. I am 65 days behind and I have received a default notice over 3 weeks ago. Im not contesting the default, but I have asked them to confirm to me if my account has actually registered as a default on my credit file. They have said that it doesn’t default until 180 days. They wouldn’t put this in writing though. I have the funds to pay this off in full now. However, if the default has already been registered then the damage is done so I will be paying back a nominal amount if this is the case. How can I find out for 100% if it’s defaulted. I don’t want to wait until my credit file updates as it may default within that time which I am trying to avoid happening. Marbles said it hasn’t and won’t until 180 days. However this was said by a customer care agent over the phone so probably not the most reliable of sources. However I got a default notice in the post which I now no longer have because I’m an idiot. Does anyone know their default process, or a way for me to find out ASAP. If it hasn’t defaulted I’ll pay the balance in full. Thabks for your time
  2. Hi citizenB, Thanks for you reply.. i have had a look but i am useless with all this sort of stuff so I dont know what I am looking for or even what BCOBS is!? What would be the best possible outcome of this? Can I get the default removed? Do I have to pay the money back to do so? Thanks
  3. Right this is following on from a previous thread I made.. But I had made a mistake!! I thought I had cancelled the account which had been defaulted! Turns out it is a completely different account so here we go.... I went overdrawn by £2.64 on the 09/02/2010.. I lost my job 4 days befor.. On my statement after that it says 'unarranged overdraft fee' of £25 from 24/6/10, 24/07/10, 24/08/10. 24/09/10 £0.92 of interest and charges 24/09/10 £25 of unarranged overdraft fees 25/10/10 £1.58 unarranged overdraft interest 24/12/10 £100 daily unarranged overdraft fee 18/01/12 - account closed contact collections and recoveries And now on my credit file it says defaulted account since 2011.. I had received letters from various DCA I.e moor croft and scout call but took no notice as I had received no contact from Santander regarding the overdrawn amount. So really what I am asking is if there is anything I can do? I never had any type of overdraft so why did it let my card payment go through? Having a default is a nightmare and I just wanted to know if I have to pay the amount etc..
  4. Right guys.. I have got all the details back from Santander!! It shows in black and white on a statement "account closure in Andover" and it says that I took out the 99p that was in there!! This was on the 03/03/2010.. So why have ingot a default from 2011 onwards? Pleeeeease tell me I have got this in the bag!!
  5. No it hasnt defaulted.. This had originally started from me going £3 overdrawn in Sept 2011 and the rest is charges - i have now paid off £200 so it is at -530 or near there!! I just think that this is abit unnecessary as it was from going overdrawn £3.. I had lost my job which is the reason I couldnt pay the overdraft off in time...
  6. I never had an overdraft whatsoever - but then i went into the 'Minus' of about £30 and the rest is all bank charges. So I assume it was an unplanned overdraft that has just got bigger and bigger..
  7. Yeah thats exactly it!! They have put it as a temporary overdraft and I lower the amount by £200/month.. So what are you saying that I should just pay back the money and not bother or is there something I can do.. Its more the moral of it it really not the monetary value..
  8. The Creditor? I am not sure what you mean but I bank with Lloyds TSB - and yes I dealt with there bank collection directly.. but over the phone.
  9. Hi guys, I am not to sure where I stand with this at all. I had an account that was always in credit until I had lost my job and met a psycho ex girlfriend, and then things spiraled down from there.. My bank account went into an "Unplanned Overdraft" only a small amount - and I just buried my head in the sand about and completely ignored it.. After awhile I completely forgot about the account as I had no correspondence from them at all.. Now I have a new job and away from my ex I wanted to get it sorted but to find that my account was £-800!! When my first wages got put in there it all got swallowed up, I rang them up and explained and they set up a payment plan of £200/month.. Is this right? It seems a bit excessive to be £-800 because of going overdram by a matter of pounds?
  10. Have there been many success stories of people getting defaults of there credit reports? If they would have just tole me that there was a charge I would have settled a long time ago but I wasnt notified WHATSOEVER!!! I genuinely do not know what I would do without this website!! It is an absolute god send and all you people who help out are a true credit to society!! Will definately be donating once this is sorted regardless of the outcome..
  11. Well I sent it off today with the letter + £10 + a photocopy of my ID.. Also sent it recorded which I believe is everything I needed to do.. If I dont hear anything within these 40 days what is the course of action?
  12. The account was opened in like 1999/2000 - My mother had opened it for me as an account to pay some cash into.. so i had it for quite some time.. and the they moved over to Santander and then I cancelled the account. My problem is not the monetary value - purely the default on the account..
  13. Right, I have sent everything off that is needed.. What will happen next? I suppose there are two scenarios. They send me all the information or they dont send anything at all? What would I do next if either of these situations arose?
  14. The account defaulted in January 2012 - I had recieved no paperwork informing me of this - I just assumed that when I cancelled the acccount that would have been the end of it "/
  15. For 2011 it says for every month 6 payment late until January 2012 it has a big red D on it (Default) And yes it does say Santander - Even though I opened with Abbey National but I am sure that wont make a difference. I just really want this off my credit file.. That is my main concern - not the money I 'aparently' owe - Just my credit file.
  16. Hi guys, I am relatively new to this so please excuse me if I am waffling on!! I am looking to get a mortgage and I thought the best thnig for me to do would be to check my credit report first. Much to my surprise I have got a 'Defaulted Account' on there which I have had NO KNOWLEDGE off whatsoever!! I had an account with Abbey National but decided to cancel it when they changed over to Santander. I remeber going into the branch and cancelling the account over the counter and taking my 64p out with me which I had left in the account. I am aware that having a defaulted account will effect my credit rating MASSIVELY!! Is there any way I can get this sorted? I was not aware that it was going to default, I had no literature from Abbey/Santander saying that it was defaulted and they had made no effort to contact me regarding this whatsoever. I have no problem with paying £203 as a gesture of goodwill but just to get the 'Deafulted Account' of my credit report as that is main concern. Any help is greatly appreciated, or if anyone has any advice or is in the same situation then please comment. Especially if someone has been in my situation and has managed to get it overturned. I am under the impression this is a very hard process though? It is such a small amount and I dont want this 'Defaulted Account' to reflect on the way potential lenders may see me as it is an unfair reflection of my financial stability as everything else is up to date and paid!! Many thanks for reading peeps
  17. Hi guys, new to the site so im not sure whether I am doing this right.I had a bank account with Abbey National (Before it was Santander) and went into the branch to cancel the account (roughly 4-5 years ago) as I had opened one with Lloyds TSB. I started recieving letters from Santander, despite opening account with Abbey National saying that I owe them £250 for going into a minus balance. I started the account when I was about 7 (with parents) so is this even possible? I completely ignored all the letters and kept recieveing them until I had a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery, saying that it had been passed onto them, since then it has been passed to Moorcroft, then to Capquest, and now Scotcall has sent a letter saying that if I dont give them money they will come to my house. I havent accepted liability for the debt to any of the companies, and the only contact I had was with Capquest and all I said was that I have no idea where this debt is from as I cancelled the account, and then they asked for proof which I can not provide as I dont know if I have it or even if I recieved it.I am so worried about this as I have a daughter on the way. I know its only £250 but its money I can not afford. Please any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated!!Thankyou so much
  18. Hi guys, new to the site so im not sure whether I am doing this right.I had a bank account with Abbey National (Before it was Santander) and went into the branch to cancel the account (roughly 4-5 years ago) as I had opened one with Lloyds TSB. I started recieving letters from Santander, despite opening account with Abbey National saying that I owe them £250 for going into a minus balance. I started the account when I was about 7 (with parents) so is this even possible? I completely ignored all the letters and kept recieveing them until I had a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery, saying that it had been passed onto them, since then it has been passed to Moorcroft, then to Capquest, and now Scotcall has sent a letter saying that if I dont give them money they will come to my house. I havent accepted liability for the debt to any of the companies, and the only contact I had was with Capquest and all I said was that I have no idea where this debt is from as I cancelled the account, and then they asked for proof which I can not provide as I dont know if I have it or even if I recieved it.I am so worried about this as I have a daughter on the way. I know its only £250 but its money I can not afford. Please any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated!!Thankyou so much
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