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  1. Thank you all, going mad with myself for answering. They have our home number, my partners mobile number and work number but she has never answered or spoke to them. We wont answer any calls at all now and do as you say when the letter comes or the knock at door.
  2. Thanks for that. They had sent a letter to our previous address, not to her, just to address saying do you know this person, we need to get hold of her urgently. They didn't of course, put the letter on the fire got some warmth out of it lol.
  3. Mucky Hall rang for my partner yesterday, me being aware of number unavailable calls etc this displayed a local number which I answered and is false. They must have been ringing from Scotland. Surely that action is illegal? They have been searching for her under her previous name and me answering they have her, and my name is mud now also! They don't know here new surname. Over eight years ago my partner had a serious accident, broke her neck (is ok now) but was in a neck / head cage thingy etc. Happened in between changing jobs (notice period). She couldn't start her new job and had resigned from previous job! She unfortunately had to declare herself bankrupt (debt's from her ex- husband). Anyway that was all behind us now. Cleared from bankruptcy, built her credit rating back up etc but this Mucky Hall firm are chasing her now? She is aware of not contacting them or speaking to them ever and hasn't. They have rang her workplace as well. Everyone has denied knowing her apart from muggins here Will this go away? Expecting the calling and doorstepping and letters to escalate now. Thanks
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