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  1. The account is in arrears and the o/d is my only account with them, my wages get paid elsewhere.
  2. Evening Due to a change in circumstances and deciding to get my house in order i have decided to take the steps to becoming debt free. In order to do this i need to establish a repayment plan with lloyds. Rough estimates would be that the o/d is £1000 and i can afford £50 p/m. I have sent them a formal i+e via post but have not heard back. I was just curious about any stories of similar scenarios and whether they were willing to accept your plan while freezing interest and charges. And also whether you feel £50 per month for my £1000 o/d is likely to be accepted. Sorry for being a pain and thanks in advance
  3. Thanks for the swift response, finally plucked up the courage and spoke to pduk. The operator was fairly helpful and set up a manageable plan eventually. The only real hassle was getting him to giv me his bank details in order to pay via standing order however i got there evntually!
  4. Hi guys! Sorry for a thread thats probably been done 1000 times however here goes... I got into the payday spiral but last week before i defaulted i decided enough was enough so i am now in a debt repayment plan and have made the first payment. However as i took out a loan with payday uk 7 days before i entered the plan they have stated they will only deal with me directly. Now that all my other loans are in one place i can just about afford to put them in a repayment plan just not as much this month as i had to pay off minicredit straight away due to there reputation. Should i send an email stating that i am willing to enter a direct repayment plan however only by standing order as i know the pitfalls of giving out card details. Also would it be ok to use the i+e form that i have already completed with my debt managers. Sorry again just a bit nervous about having to deal with the creditors myself. Thanks
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