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Everything posted by kravarran

  1. She didn't criticise anyone who works there but did name the company. She has been advised that this could be classed as Gross Misconduct which could result in dismissal (which isn't a good sign). We were thinking that it may be better to hand in her notice tomorrow, therefore not risking having a dismissal on the record, and as it's a 13hr per week PT job is it worth the risk? Does anyone think that resiging is the better option, take it as a lesson learned not to be so stupid and try for a new PT job?
  2. Hi, My wife has a disciplinary hearing at work because she stupidly made comments about work on facebook and somebody screenshot these and give them to her boss. She basically said her work was a sh**hole and that she couldn't wait to get a new job so she could leave. She has now been suspended awaiting a disciplinary hearing which is this Wednesday with her manager and HR. My question is - what is the most likely outcome from this? She has no warnings at work but people have said she might get fired .... is this likely? Thanks Krav
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