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  1. I am looking for some help please, I applied for remortgage a while back to be told that I was not accepted due to my credit history but I have never had bad debt and always cleared anything I have had. I got a copy of my credit report to see a default from Studio catalogue that I have never had and subsequently found out that this was taken out at my old address 6 years after I moved out! The name on the catalogue is mine but spelt incorrectly and with a completely different DOB, I told Studio this wasnt mine but they asked me to send my paperwork for my new address which I was not happy to do considering the way they do not seem to hold accurate information. The police advised this is not a crime in Scotland so told me there is nothing they can do. I then left things as I ddint hear anything for a while. About 6 months ago a debt collector showed up at my door and I again advised this is not my debt. Another debt collection agency are now chasing me and calling me at home, I have again told them the debt is not mine and asked them to remove my details from their system but they just do not believe me and keep calling me. What can I do from here? I know I shouldnt have left it so long but I am now completely stressed out and upset and hope someone can help. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
  2. Hi, I am looking for some help please, I applied for remortgage a while back to be told that I was not accepted due to my credit history but I have never had bad debt and always cleared anything I have had. I got a copy of my credit report to see a default from Studio catalogue that I have never had and subsequently found out that this was taken out at my old address 6 years after I moved out! The name on the catalouge is mine but spelt incorrectly and with a completely different DOB, I told Studio this wasnt mine but they asked me to send my mortgage paperwork for my new address which I was not happy to do considering the way they do not seem to hold accurate information. The police advised this is not a crime in Scotland so told me there is nothing they can do. I then left things as I ddint hear anything for a while. About 6 months ago a debt collector showed up at my door and I again advised this is not my debt. Another debt collection agency are now chasing me and calling me at home, I have again told them the debt is not mine and asked them to remove my details from their system but they just do not believe me and keep calling me. What can I do from here? I know I shouldnt have left it so long but I am now completely stressed out and upset and hope someone can help. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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