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  1. I had a solicitor at the first interview who just told me too sit tight and see what evidence they come back with,i'm so worried about it all because he see's the kids now and I don't know what they say is standard
  2. Hiya everyone I could really do with some help and advice and would be really grateful of any. I have been reported for benefit fraud for a period of time in which the father to my 2 kids was on the scene, we had a bit of a whirlwind romance I fell pregnant very quickly with our first child and things went down hill from there he worked away for most of the period they are looking into but when he did come home he would be out god knows where with god knows who, to me it wasn't a relationship, I had an interview ad gave my side of things and it was suspended pending further enquiries that was over a month ago I have asked to be Re interviewed also rang to see what as happening regarding it all as its stressing me out and making my depression worse, the investigator said he would sort a date out then when I hadn't heard anything and rang back he has refused to re interview me untill he has all the evidence he wants so he says! I don't know if they have certain time scales they have to stick to or if they can just do what they want? And what my chances on it ending in court or prison? I'm so scared as I have 2 young kids to think about thanks for the help.
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