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  1. The second incident i did have a sick note but was referring to community based practice and not ward placements but yet i was still told to go home, would this still count?
  2. is that what it is called and not sick leave?
  3. This is what i dont understand they have documented this as sick leave when i wasnt really on sick leave, i was only doing as i was told by management
  4. altobelli the OH doctor wasnt consulted until i had my planned appointment (i went to work on the wednesday OH appointment following monday) management apparently spoke to "someone in HR" who agreed with her that i should refrain from duty when i otherwise felt fine and was more than willing to work
  5. I have letters from my neurologist saying that my collapses were part of my illness and that he would suggest increasing my medication, im seeing my gp this week as she asked, i feel so much better than i did, i am myself avoiding all the triggers that are known to cause migranes, ive stopped eating cheese completly, i dont drink a lot of milk, ive gone right off chocloate, i try to have a regular bedtime - Wasnt easy when i was in community, i was forever worried that my phone would go off, and one time it did at 3am!
  6. the reason they sent me home was pending a review by the OH doctor and wanted his opinion, Community does trigger attacks, and yes im being paid 30 hours, and yes its less dangerous for me and others if i have an attack on the ward
  7. Yes my union rep is going with me, she wants to see all of the documents that HR have plus the evidence i have including evidence that states that i wasnt at work when i was, she is even a witness to one of the days that i presented to work and was sent home. My GP is saying that i can work normally, i was not working in a community setting up until June of this year. I was given no notice of this move and told like it or lump it. I had nothing in writing about the move or anything, everything regarding the community placement was verbal! I spoke to the manager who deals with the placements of community and i was only ever rostered to be out for 4 months and not 6 like i was verbally told!
  8. yes i am a member of a union My doctor says that i should have a normal work life pattern as long as adaptations are made, and i know that a trigger for my migrane is sleep deprivation and cheese. I can do the job i do now happily i just cannot work nights
  9. i used to be off from work up to 3 days at a time and up to 3 times a month, i now suffer migranes relatively rarely and if i do experience one i can be back at work within a matter of hours (depending on severity of the attack)
  10. According to the records i hold as i only work 30 hours a week, (recommendation from OH) ive been off for 20 days in the last 6 months, some of which has not been down to me, some has been me forced to take sick leave even tho i have been fit to work
  11. the last 6 months i have been off 8 times 6 times with migrane related problems, my neurologist has changed my medication and i have been forced to change positions of work in that period, i did raise concerns with OH the latest of this was a 4 days were i was told i was not to report for duty 2 other issues were musculosketal problems - i was admitted to A+E with chest pain and suspected chicken pox I have had previous surgery in the past year due to having an appendicitis and a hernia, The number of days has decreased because i am actively trying to reduce my sickness, i even went into work with a migrane that i was recovering from
  12. Hi there, I have been called forward to a final stage sickness meeting and im terrified that i am going to be fired, i have been sent a document from the HR department outling all the days that i have been off, many of them relate to migranes, something that i have been bugged with for years. Both The OH doc and my neurologist have said that these are disabilites and are covered by the DDA, however going through the list, i have noticed lots of inaccuracies especially regarding the number of days i have been off. There have also been recent events where people have reported that i havent been at work when i actually have but have been told to go home. could this be called medical suspension? Luckily i have people that saw me. Many of the times that i have been off sick i have not had return to work interviews with managers does this mean that they havent followed the process properly? Also at the last meeting i had to raise with the management that they had infact got my score wrong and that they were not taking my disability into account. The OH doctor informed management that it is a matter for them to decide how much absence to tolerate as a "reasonable adjustment" so far they havent!. They also have documented that i have been removed from shifts between 11pm and 6am then why is it that i was forced to be on call up until midnight? is this a breech of the adjustment? He also recommended that i returned to ward based duties which i was told was out of the question! Recently i have had two collapses which at the time i did not know the cause of, but having spoken to my neurologist and GP who provided a fit to work note stating that she was concerned about my duties to work in the community due to risk of collapse, they have been found to be linked to my migranes. My neurologist has written to confirm this and has changed my medication, and due to see my GP again this week. Again i have been forced to go home by HR telling my manger this and stating that i was not to return until i had seen the OH doctor. I have had trouble with my absences in the past but i am actively trying my hardest to reduce this, i have even gone to the lengths of having surgery in my annual leave as to not increase my sickness anymore. What can i do at the meeting and where do i stand legally? would i be able to proceed with a tribunal if the worst happened?
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