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  1. Thank you for your comments below, the dates on the defaults are as below; Barclays Default Date: 14/01/2010 3G Default Date: 21/07/2010, I have dispute(via phone) the balance on both accounts with the DCA and been advised they will investigate with companies ie(3G & Barclays). I have been infomed by DCA that paymemnt in Full of both accounts will rectify my Credit File to Excellence(don't believe this)!! PS: I have taken your advise on board and will follow up with Formal Written Letters to be sent Rec'd Delivery on Monday. I will keep you posted if and when of outcome/reply....
  2. Hi, I'm a new user here and will appreciate if fellow forum members can share their understanding regards having default removed from their Creedit Files.. I have a Good Credit Report & Score bar two defaults(one from 3G(£93 balance on account as at 2010) & Barclays(£250 as at 2006); My Credit report was updated with the" Default Status" for both accounts and the debts have now been passed onto collections(Lowell) from £G and Barclays which has now increased to £375 & £862 accorddingly. I contacted Lowell (Collection Company) and I'm informed to pay reduced amount on each account to clear the outstanding bills or pay in Full. I advised Lowell that the amount they are chasing me for is different from amount owed the company but Im been told that is NOW THE BALANCE OF THE ACCOUNT!! I need advise please on the following; 1. Can 3G/Lowell increase outstanding balance from £93 to £375 without advising the customer how the figures are derived. 2. Can Barclays/Lowell increase outstanding balance from £250 to £862 without advising the customer how the figures are derived. 3. Is it advisable to PAY the "Reduced Amount" or "PAY IN FULL"- what are the impacts please... 4. Once Payment is paid, what is the procedure to get this Default removed on my account? 5. Finally, how long will it take for my credit File be updated? Many Thanks for your time in reading this post, advise & comments please.
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