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  1. I have never had my details taken by an inspector until now.
  2. No that was a one off thing. I admitted to that. I'm not a serial fare dodger, this time it was just an honest mistake. I'm anonymous i have nothing to hide. Its very unlikely that he thought i was a previous fare dodger.
  3. Its not a route i take often. I just had to pop somewhere else after work to buy a few things. You think he was telling the truth when he said it was only a caution and no further action will be taken?
  4. No i didn't use my fathers travel card. I know the logical thing to do was to say i forgot to top up or something but i panicked.
  5. So i was rushing to the DLR and didn't have time to top up as the train was about to depart. I got to the station and realized that i didn't have enough money to leave so i asked the man standing in the barrier that i had lost my card so that he could let me through. He took me to another gentleman wearing casual clothing and he told me where i came from and how did i pay for the fare, i panicked and said i borrowed fathers travel card in which he told me that travel cards were non transferable. He said he would let me go but wanted to take down my details just to put on the record as a sort of caution. I didn't trust his word so i gave him a wrong name, wrong door number and wrong year in my date of birth. He didn't verify the details and he read me my rights to silence which made me slightly suspicious but he said it was just for protocol and let me out of the barrier after warning me not to use anyone elses travel card. I'm a bit paranoid that they may be able to track me down through cctv or something. Was he telling the truth or was he trying to deceive me into giving my details and is it serious enough for them to pursue me?
  6. What happened to your partner? Did she get in trouble?
  7. Yea but they didn't take down my details so how can they prosecute me? Anyone could claim it belonged to their Mum. You think they would demand to see my mothers sons to identify me? Would they take it that far?
  8. I was in the exact same situation. Luckily for me the Inspector didn't take my address but confiscated my Mothers oyster card and forced me to pay for the bus fair. Did they send a letter to your girlfriend or are they not going to charge her for giving away her oyster card? Your best bet would be to send a grovelling letter of apology, explaining your situation, how this was your first time and how your future career prospects would be damaged by a criminal record. You will probably get away with just a fine, considering its your first time.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I defiantly won't be taking that risk again.
  10. It was actually an inspector who caught me. Could they take my mother to court and bring the inspector that caught me as a witness to identify me as her son?
  11. This is my fear. I think if they do find out then i would come clean. Thanks for the replies. More views on this situation is more than welcomed.
  12. So they would assume the card was found and used by someone else?
  13. Can anyone else shed some light please? I really need to know what could happen next and whether my mother and i are in trouble
  14. Thank you for the reply. It was a discounted oyster card for job seekers. I paid the one day bus travel which is half price on my way to university. She didn't take down my names or details and she made me pay for the bus fair and said i was lucky because she could have fined me £80 but she also tricked me into giving her my mothers oyster card so i don't really trust her word. I'm not afraid for myself because they don't have my details but I'm worried my Mother will get in trouble. I basically told her to tell the TFL that she lost it.
  15. So i got caught today with my mothers discounted oyster card. The inspector made me pay the bus fare and then took the oyster card from me. I confessed it belonged to my Mother after some interrogation. She didn't take my address or name so i asked what would happen to the oyster card and she said they would send a letter to her house. What does this mean? My Mother phoned TFL and told them she lost it on my advise so they blocked it now. Have i gotten her in trouble or have i gotten away with a slap on the wrist? I've been worried sick all day and i definitely won't be using it again. I'm a cash strapped student so i wanted to save on my costs.
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