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  1. Hello Drylandsailor, Have,nt had a reply about joining the group,can you help? Shoey Join the 'maudsley group' as descibed above in post number '81' of this forum and you will find plenty of information about this issue. There is a new initiative which is about to come to fruition, and I am sure that you will be pleased with what you find out from the maudsley group. You will need to register as a member of the group to read the information, but it will be well worth your time to do so. The administrator of the group is away for a few days so it may take a little time for your registration to become active, so please be patient. The bottom line is that you are going to see your investment come back to life. Regards and loads of optimism Peter (drylandsailor)
  2. Thanks drylandsailor,I tried to join the group yesterday so will wait to see if I,m accepted. I take it your from West Sussex
  3. My name isShoey and I invested in Lakeview/Telos in 2010,and have had no payments for 18 months.Perhaps you can e-mail me with any info.Cheers
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