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  1. i did have claim management company working on my ppi claims for 2 years, i really need some help and advice, as i can no longer make contact with the cmc, i really not sure what to do next, or how to approach the companies i need to make ppi claim with, and i am really not sure what the cmc has actually done, can some one help please
  2. hi i really need some help and advice, i have been fighting a court case with mercedes benz since 2010, and it all cases up to 4 months ago, all was well, my case was being handled by a mangaement company, and i was due to win the case, problem i have is the company since dissapeared , i had to return to court with out there help or arguments of the defence, as i could not fund a solictor i lost the defence, i had also asked the court for all previous hearings as then at least i could seek some help, only to find out the court had lost all the paperwork from previous hearings, i was advised by judge silverman that i had a superb defence and case. i am at odds on what to do, as if i can get any paper work i would still have a case to go back at mercedes benz, i would be so grateful for any help or advice on how to start,
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