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Everything posted by inspired28

  1. Yes i've got templates that Step Change sent through to me so they are about to go off in the mail to the bank so as you say if they do then honour a payment they can give me the money back ! The banks seem to be just as bad - I remember calling them a while back when someone swiped money from my card and they were absolutely useless!
  2. Thanks for the advice Renegade - I have changed bank accounts already in prep for setting up the dmp so they will be trying to raid an empty account. I have already sent them the mail which says I do not authorise any continuous payment methods - not that that stops them anyway!! I will be sending those letters onto my bank tomorrow also and I have cancelled all my debit cards and requested new ones so good luck to em!!
  3. Also - how long did that whole process take for you? And as I am entering into a DMP, will that route still be applicable? As I've seen on here that they don't seem interested in having any dealings with Step Change
  4. Hey - not to worry I just went back and searched for it - good to see someone has finally been able to get somewhere and good for you for having the b***s to stick to your guns! My loan isn't due for repayment to them until the 29th so I'm already emailing them with plenty of notice. I haven't had any issues from them as obviously I haven't reached the due date just yet but as I know I won't be able to clear it in one go I am preempting what they will do when they don't receive payment on the 29th. I have already sent an email to them over the weekend .. well many emails so I will ask them for their final response off the complaints team and then send it straight to the FOS. Thanks for the info
  5. Well I am drafting off emails to them both as we speak - I have rights and will not be abused and harassed by a sneaky money grabbing [problem] of a business .... Can you tell I'm at the end of my tether?!!! Lol
  6. I just find it hard to believe that no one has stamped on their heads yet - what exactly are the FOS and the OFT doing about it?!! It seems lots of people are complaining but why is nothing being done about it? I haven't seen a single post where anyone had been able to get anywhere apart from giving in and paying their fabricated fees it's ridiculous!
  7. Hey guys so I have spent quite a bit of time searching and there are no end of issues with mini credit by the looks of things. I've been having a bit of a battle with them back and forth where I am being told the same things as most people have on here. So I lost the rag a bit and sent them the following: Good Morning And what a wonderful morning it is So, I received your replies thanks ever so much for getting back to me since i have heard you are in the habit of just ignoring people .... I have heard a hell of a lot about your company - just typing your name into google brings up no end of problems so for that reason alone, I will be logging a complaint with the FOS - apparently they levy a £500 fine before they start? Yep so, maybe since you've been robbing people blind for years (no idea how you get away with it) it's time for you to get a few charges back Ok, so not sure if you read my last email so I'll outline it again for you perhaps if it is in capitals it might be easier for you to read as looking at your own replies it seems English is certainly not your first language ... I AM WITHDRAWING MY AUTHORISATION FOR ANY MORE PAYMENTS TO BE TAKEN FROM MY ACCOUNT FOR THIS DEBT. IN LINE WITH THE PAYMENT SERVICES REGULATIONS WHICH ARE RUN BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY, ANY MORE PAYMENTS TAKEN FROM MY CARD WILL BE AN UNAUTHORISED TRANSACTION. there, I hope that is a bit more understandable for you that means that YOU WILL NOT BE ADDING UNPAID DEBIT CARD FEES TO MY ACCOUNT AS I HAVE LAID IN BLACK AND WHITE THAT I AM WITHDRAWING MY AUTHORITY FOR YOU TO DO THIS - you may be able to get away with telling your lies to other people but I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree with me - Let me outline it for you - You will be getting paid back £200.50 plus one months interest. I did not receive £220 into my bank account - it does not cost £19.50 to do a faster payment I did not agree to that - show me something with my signature on. Show me proof that it has cost you £19.50 to make that transfer. Also, some legislation for you to be aware of: Any email, letter, text. stating that you will be making a 'doorstep' call. I will consider this to be harrassment. Firstly Please be advised that I will only communicate with you via email. Any repeated attempts to contact me by telephone or mail will be duly logged by time and date. Furthermore, should it be your intention to arrange a “doorstep call”, please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make an appointment with you. Nor do I recognise any kind of charge made for 'doorstep' visits. There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance. As I am in a debt repayment plan , I am sure I have no need to remind you of the Office Of Fair Trading's guidance on debt collection which clearly states. g. ignoring or disregarding debtors' legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact them. f. pressurising debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large instalments, or to increase payments when they are unable to do so c. refusing to deal with appointed or authorised third parties, such as Citizens Advice Bureaux, independent advice centres or money advisers d. contacting debtors directly and bypassing their appointed representatives e. operating a policy, without reason, of refusing to negotiate with debt management companies Your previous actions seem to be a multiple breach of this guidance. If any of the above mentioned actions take place, I will require you to send me a copy of your official complaints procedures which you will have in place in order to have obtained a credit licence in the first place. I will then pass on your complaint to the Office Of Fair Trading, The Financial ombudsman and my local MP. I really look forward to your prompt reply I hope you have a wonderful day Kindest Regards Might seem a bit ott but i've totally lost my patience with them ....
  8. is there anything i can quote to them to say that they are breaking the law on this one? Surely they'd just tell me to contact PDE - who said they'd just take it off next month's payment - however they have left me short this month by stealing an extra £50 out of my account - their attitude last time was that i owe these companies money so in reality they aren't stealing my money and that basically there was nothing i could do to get the money back
  9. Yep I thought as much - wish I'd have checked out the forum before agreeing to anything - never mind - lesson learned! See, I tried to do that before but the bank told me (Halifax) that their hands are tied with payday loan companies and since i gave them my debit card details, they can't refund debit card payments ... any advice?
  10. On another note - what do you make of this: Hoping for a little bit of advice on PDE if you guys can help - I took out a loan for £660 about 5 months ago, unfortunately i haven't been able to clear this but instead have been forced to pay £160 per month to just 'roll over' the loan - if you do the maths - this means over the last 5 months i've paid them £800, i finally called them as this was getting ridiculous and according to their emails i still owed £860!!! They agreed to let me pay £250 this month and £250 next month to clear the loan ... this means in total I will have paid them £1300 for a £660 loan!!! Not only that, but after the agreement, they debited the £250 as agreed and then the next day, debited another £50 - cheeky buggers. If i'm honest, I'd rather not pay them the other £200 since they've caused me more in charges from stealing £50 out of my account and left me short for the rest of the month but if i don't pay the final £200 where do i stand? I told them in rollover fees i've more than paid what i'd owed but as you know they have an answer for everything and were adamant that this didn't count as money paid off the loan, i was literally just paying the interest .... any advice would be greatly appreciated
  11. Also, I've just sent the following email to the OFT to see what they think of it all and what advice they give Good evening, I am after some advice - I took out a payday loan with speed credit during september for £400. I was hoping to have this paid off by the end of September but unfortunately I was unable to and contacted them to try and arrange a repayment plan for the loan. I made a payment of £100 on 28 September and was hoping to set up a plan to pay back 100 at the end of october and the balance of £301 at the end of November. I have found them firstly very unhelpful in that they did not check whether I was in a position to repay the loan before giving it to me in the first place (I had previously just paid off a loan with them which was under a repayment plan and as soon as the last payment was successful, I had an email and text offering me another loan which I stupidly accepted). I am now trying to get on top of my finances but they are not interested in helping unless I agree to repay them over £1300 - that way they will put me on a repayment plan! They have told me that I am liable to pay £96 per fortnight until I clear the loan meaning that by the end of November I will owe them in the region of £900. Is this correct and legal? I don't know where I stand but was under the impression that one months interest plus a default fee would be fair to pay on top of the loan ie £501 less the £100 i've already paid them = £401 owed. They are unwilling to set up a repayment plan and have told me that I need to wait until the file is passed to 'Northern Debt Recovery' on 13th October where it will straight away incur a £350 penalty fee along with some other solicitor fees which they will add to the account. Their emails come across as very threatening - talking about bailiffs being instructed to take my property should i not keep to a repayment plan. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am feeling afraid in my own home I look forward to your reply
  12. Thanks so much for the reply - in that case - they can have the £501 less £100 I've already paid and can get lost for the rest. I will pay them £100 at the end of october and then the balance of £301 at the end of november. Do I need to inform them of this as when I tried to, they said it was rubbish and I HAD to pay them!! They are all a bunch of crooks but I admit to being the silly one for even getting involved with PDL companies - I appreciate the replys
  13. even though i'll actually be 8 weeks late in clearing the loan? How do i go about explaining that to them as they have basically told me i knew what i'd agreed to and if it isn't paid off then i have to pay £96 a fortnight just in interest I am actually on the OFT website just now and they have an email address on there to email in the case of companies that are lending irresponsibly - I am going to email them for advice and was considering copying speed credit/toothfairy finance/northern debt recovery (whatever they are calling themselves today) into the email to see if they decide to wind their necks in ...
  14. Hoping for a little bit of advice on PDE if you guys can help - I took out a loan for £660 about 5 months ago, unfortunately i haven't been able to clear this but instead have been forced to pay £160 per month to just 'roll over' the loan - if you do the maths - this means over the last 5 months i've paid them £800, i finally called them as this was getting ridiculous and according to their emails i still owed £860!!! They agreed to let me pay £250 this month and £250 next month to clear the loan ... this means in total I will have paid them £1300 for a £660 loan!!! Not only that, but after the agreement, they debited the £250 as agreed and then the next day, debited another £50 - cheeky buggers. If i'm honest, I'd rather not pay them the other £200 since they've caused me more in charges from stealing £50 out of my account and left me short for the rest of the month but if i don't pay the final £200 where do i stand? I told them in rollover fees i've more than paid what i'd owed but as you know they have an answer for everything and were adamant that this didn't count as money paid off the loan, i was literally just paying the interest .... any advice would be greatly appreciated
  15. I have had a similiar problem with PDE - I took out a loan for £660 about 5 months ago, unfortunately i haven't been able to clear this but instead have been forced to pay £160 per month to just 'roll over' the loan - if you do the maths - this means over the last 5 months i've paid them £800, i finally called them as this was getting ridiculous and according to their emails i still owed £860!!! They agreed to let me pay £250 this month and £250 next month to clear the loan ... this means in total I will have paid them £1300 for a £660 loan!!! Not only that, but after the agreement, they debited the £250 as agreed and then the next day, debited another £50 - cheeky buggers. If i'm honest, I'd rather not pay them the other £200 since they've caused me more in charges from stealing £50 out of my account and left me short for the rest of the month but if i don't pay the final £200 where do i stand? I told them in rollover fees i've more than paid what i'd owed but as you know they have an answer for everything and were adamant that this didn't count as money paid off the loan, i was literally just paying the interest .... any advice would be greatly appreciated
  16. Ah okey so I've paid them £100 so far - they are 14 days loans, if I am unable to settle this until the end of November - can anyone tell me how much I should pay them? They are telling me that I need to pay £96 for every 2 weeks so 96 was added at the end of september, another 4 lots of those will be added before i can clear this loan - do i have to pay all of this? This brings the total i'd be paying them to almost £900 on an initial loan of £400 for 14 days or £501 which was the agreed rate. Thanks for all your help so far
  17. Hi there I wonder if anyone can help? I took out a £400 loan with speed credit which was due for repayment of £501 by 28 Sep. Unfortunately i've been unable to repay in full so i made a payment of £100 and tried to set up a payment plan which they aren't interested in doing - unless i wait for the loan to be passed to NDR where they will add 350 etc etc. So, what i really want to know is how much do i have to pay them back in full? I've been trying to agree to pay 501 by the end of november ie half at the end of this month and the other half at the end of nov - they reckon by then i'll owe well over 1k .... realistically what do i owe them? I keep hearing about what you borrowed plus one months interest - does that include if you are late paying? I don't really want to pay them a penny more than i have to but i also don't want bailiffs round the house! Any advice would be greatly appreciate - ps ... unfortuately looks like their site is back up and running lol
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