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Bill Law

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  1. Just wondered if I might get some help in the area of my current situation, any help would be greatly received; I have been a lorry driver for some years having worked for Eddie Stobart until my health deteriorated. Taking stock of my situation and failing health, (I asked for help and this was not available apparently!) I resigned my position as HGV Driver. My brothers partner (transport manager for a tanker operator) told me they have a job. Since she knew about my condition, she said the work was 4 on 4 off which we both agreed, might be better given my medical challenges. I worked for sometime and actually enjoyed the work. Having been trained up, I soon took to delivering bulk powder in tankers. My health deteriorated further to the point where I felt it unsafe to drive and in-brief, had to increase my medication (owing to the pain) making me more susceptible to fatigue. I went on to SSP and have provided my company with all assistance including visiting the company appointed Doctor for a report. No offers of assistance were forthcoming and it was only until my then manager (now working at another depot returned to provide cover for the new transport managers holiday period) informed me that my SSP would soon expire as I had been sick for approaching 6 months. I was unaware this was the case and she said she would post something soon and update my manager when he returned from his holiday. On his return he said the medical reports were vague in terms of my return and the best thing to do given the circumstances was for me to sign an agreement where they paid me off and I "could not sue us for unfair dismissal". Although the money sounds good right now having come close to financial ruin, I feel that my employer could have done more to find me alternative work, especially given they are one of the biggest names in their field and have many contracts in my area. I think the offer being proposed includes paying me my full salary for the notice period and any outstanding holiday pay. Am I right to think they should have offered me assistance in getting back to work or discussing alternatives? I wanted to work for this company and still do but feel someone somewhere is failing in their duties. Any help or advice would be welcome.
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