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  1. She has worked for me for around five years.. She has only ever had verbal warnings as she used to be a good family friend, and i thought i was giving her the benefit of the doubt, but now she has thrown that back in my face! I was also thinking about laying someone off before this situation arose due to the economic climate having a negative effect on my profits. Is there anyway i can handle this situation, or do i have to just sit back and pay her SSP until she leaves whilst making a mockery of my business? I have tried to contact her to come in for weekly meetings to check on her progress and health and try to offer any adjustments, but she is ignoring all correspondance and avoiding any other employee/family member of mine also. (its a small town so everyone knows everyone).. i'am just very stressed with the whole situation!
  2. Hi there, Really needing help with this issue! Currently, i own my own hairdressing business. I employ 4 staff members. One of my staff members had been acting inappropriately at work, e.g bullying other members of staff, personal appearance and attitude, turning up late for work, which forced me to give her a numerous verbal warnings. Almost 4 weeks ago now, she turned up on the busiest day of the week, seemingly under the influence of alcohol, i spoke to her about his and told her she will be given a final warning in form of a letter when she returns and was told to go home for the rest of the day. However, the next working day i recieved a phonecall from one of her family members informing me that she was not returning to work this week as she had a doctors line for "depression", it has now been four weeks, and she has provided more doctors lines to cover her off work with SSP for at least another six weeks. I have since been told by mutual friends that she is actively seeking another job and has no intention of returning, she has also been seen behaving drunk and disorderly in public, and due to the nature of my business, her clients have become aware of this and it is harming the image of my business. Is there any way i can dismiss her in grounds of redundancy as she is not bringing in any clients while off? I was wanting to dismiss her prior to this, but now i feel i'am stuck paying for her being sick (which is seemingly untrue) while she enjoys days off searching for another job? I have also discovered i'am pregnant and the stress of the situation is getting me down. I was just wondering if you could advise me on actions that i can take in this circumstance?
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