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  1. I too have fallen for this and kicking myself now. I signed up to the free trial on Saturday 29 Sept and the £2.49 x 2 payments were taken on Monday 01 Oct. I Received them yesterday (02 Oct) and immediately did a bit of Google-ing as the product didn't look too safe to me. On finding the threads and hundreds of posts on various websites and forums, I tried to contact Slimtone. This was after 5pm and I was unsuccessful. I have since then them 4 emails to various email accounts and automatic acknowledgements received each time. I've cancelled the card that I paid for the not-so-free trial with on the advice of my bank. They cannot block payments but say there are none due to leave my account yet to Slimtone. I thought I'd cancel the card just incase. The bank agreed that it was an unauthorised payment but not fraudulent as I had provided them with my card details. I somewhat agree with this but still feel the terms and conditions should have been sent to me via email at the time of me confirming the free trial. I'm now concerned that I won't receive my returns number in time to return the product before the 14 days is up. Presumably, they take into account their published 72 hour delay in responding to emails and allow a grace period since they have failed to provide the required information (well, I would hope they do). Out of interest, has anyone cancelled/blocked payment or payment card and not returned the product? I'd be interested to see what their action would be then. If I can't get a returns number from this cowboy company, should I return the product regardless with my name and date of original order? I am appalled that their website hasn't been shutdown yet. Looking back on the forums, this has been in operation for a number of months
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