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  1. Because I have a financial interest in the house, apparently its a joint application. My concern is that had someone in my position been in a difficult relationship, they may not have wanted their financial agreements divulged in the way they were...amounts, creditors names etc. I implicitly gave permission for a credit search not a divulging of everything in detail.
  2. my issue is that the broker went through everything in minute detail with someone, without my permission. This can't be right?
  3. hi everyone, I'm new here and would really appreciate some advice about data protection. I am married, and the house and nortgage is in my husband's name only because we married when he already had his house. We are consolidating to help children at university and applied thriough a broker for a secured loan. We were told that as I have a financial interest in the property it would have to be a joint appluication. My husband asked for £10,000. The broker obviously accessed his and my credit files and proceeded to go through every credit agreement that not only he had, but everything that showed up on my credit file as well even though that credit is in my name only. My question is, were they allowed to go through my credit hstory and agreements with him? They obviously did it because they tried to persuade him to take out a larger secured loan. I feel that this specific information should not have been divulged to him and I feel quite unhappy about it. Whether ot n ot he was aware of it or not is not the issue but I'm astonished that a broker can just go through everything with my husband without my persission. Is this actually allowed? Would really appreciate your knowledge. thank you
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