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  1. Hi All, This is going to sound like a very silly post and I have been an absolute idiot in my actions and completely regret this now. Basically I have a monthly travel rail travel card and I thought this allowed me onto the busses too, as I pay so much for it a month. I know I have to use my Oyster on the underground though, but don't often travel on the underground. I was travelling on the bus one morning to work, when a ticket inspector asked for my ticket, I showed my monthly pass and ID card. Apparently this is not valid on the busses, we came to my stop and both got off. I was completely flustered and panicking, not ever being in this situation before. I very stupidly gave my correct name, but a pervious address (not sure I got the postcode right though) and for some stupid reason I also gave the wrong DOB. They then wanted to verify it by calling a friend or family member and I said there was no one to call, again I was just not thinking straight and panicked, I then just walked away, no idea why I did this and really regret it. The ticket inspector still had hold of my new monthly ticket with my name on and ID number, which I just completely forgot that they had hold of. I am now so worried about what will happen, will they write to me at the address I gave or will they look up my new address on the system that my monthly card is allocated to? I completely understand that I have acted in a very stupid way and I want to make it right or at least have the opportunity to apologise and pay a fine or admin costs? But I have no idea if I wil be contacted and if so at which address, I am worried they will write to the wrong address and I may nerve know about it. I know I have got myself into a complete mess, but what do I do now? Should I call the transport inspectors and talk to them about what happened? Any advice is welcome, I know I am in the wrong, just one silly decision lead to another and I just panicked, as I had just started a new job and was so worried about being late. Thanks for reading.
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