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  1. Some very interesting bits of advice have been given & I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you that have read & commented on my car park problem, I will keep you all informed if anything exciting happens concerning action taken against some of the persistent offenders
  2. My brother in law has a 10 year lease on the pub & I am the manager, as it's such a small pub only one member of staff is needed at all times so it would not be easy to keep leaving the bar to let genuine customers in. I was hoping there were some signs I could display warning of action that could be taken for the consistent offenders, I do not want all the hassle of issuing tickets & then trying to recover the fine, I would just simply like to be able to prevent non customers from taking up the few spaces available
  3. Hiya, I run a pub with a very small car park right next to a busy hospital & I am really confused about my rights on how to stop the hospital visitors from parking in the pub car park, as they take up the few parking spaces meant for my customers. My business is a dying trade & every month I struggle to make ends meet, so I need to be able to keep those spaces clear for my genuine customers. I have notices displayed saying clamping in operation but as I have never actually carried out the threat they have little effect. I am now worried that the new clamping laws will give them an open invitation to completely abuse the use of a free cark park. I am aware the hospital charges an obscene amount to park in the grounds so I understand why people will try to avoid paying & take a risk on parking in my car park but I simply cannot afford to lose any more customers. I am not totally heartless & if someone is polite enough to pop in & ask if it’s ok to park I do allow them to park there for a short time as long as they put a small donation in a local charity box displayed on the bar. It’s the ones that park there all day without asking or attempting to pop into the pub to purchase anything that I need to be able to stop. Please can someone explain what my rights are rights on stopping them from doing this in the future?
  4. Hiya, I run a pub with a very small car park right next to a busy hospital & I am really confused about my rights on how to stop the hospital visitors from parking in the pub car park, as they take up the few parking spaces meant for my customers. My business is a dying trade & every month I struggle to make ends meet, so I need to be able to keep those spaces clear for my genuine customers. I have notices displayed saying clamping in operation but as I have never actually carried out the threat they have little effect. I am now worried that the new clamping laws will give them an open invitation to completely abuse the use of a free cark park. I am aware the hospital charges an obscene amount to park in the grounds so I understand why people will try to avoid paying & take a risk on parking in my car park but I simply cannot afford to lose any more customers. I am not totally heartless & if someone is polite enough to pop in & ask if it’s ok to park I do allow them to park there for a short time as long as they put a small donation in a local charity box displayed on the bar. It’s the ones that park there all day without asking or attempting to pop into the pub to purchase anything that I need to be able to stop. Please can someone explain what my rights are rights on stopping them from doing this in the future?
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