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Everything posted by alan2simms

  1. Thanks for your reply dx100uk , my Only worry is is are they trying to say I re-set the "clock" seeing as they try to pin something on me before that wsnt mine ? are they trying it on again ? it is worded such as below ,important thing is I have never ever made a PPI complaint "you Previously complained to us about our sale of your PPI policy .we rejected it ,in our view it was not mis-sold” and invites me to re-submit my “Complaint” . so you can see I never did make a complaint in the first place!!! ,hence my apprehension they did try to pin something on me once that wasn't mine , im worried they are going to again by the wording ” you Complained previously about PPI” ( meaning i accepted something? -perhaps?) .  how come they still have these records anyway after all these years? alternatively should i call and complain about the wording and the "beneficiary Trace inquiry" ? ANy thoughts?
  2. P.s : it must be said I did have a couple of defaulted debts (not with these guys or any mail order) it was few credit cards (not 2) ...managed to settle a cople never contcted others in any way now all SB'd ..
  3. Hi, Looking for some advise I have received a very strange letter from shop direct finncial group. it goes on to say that I had made a previous complaint about PPI and they rejected it , but i can make another siting a new ruling , and invites me to do it. big problem is , I have never made a PPI claim with them or any one else for that matter , since this came I have had a look at a free credit report to see that they have made a " Beneficiary trace enquiry" against both my previous addresses . so dont know what this is all about. I had one of theur catalog accounts about 12 years ago, turned out that when i wasnt even living in the UK they had applied a massive debt on to it (thousands of pounds) and had sent letters, as soon as i got to know i contacted them turned out that it was some item they said was purchased on the account ( i had not used the account for years even before i left -thought it was closed), as it was i had already left the country more than a year ago to the date stated i made it clear i could categorically prove this , after a few months they said they had made a mistake and closed the account after removing the said balance. is it possible that they are somehow trying to pin this on me again using PPI excuse? seeing as I never claimed any way. thanks. P.s : it must be said I did have a couple of defaulted debts (not with these guys or any mail order) it was 2 credit cards, after i left the country they had been sending letters my previous house mates had returned all , i never contacted them or paid, eventfully after 6 years they fell off my data and all of them are close to 12 years with out any sort of contact anyway .
  4. hi, thanks for your kind reply I am afraid I have no statements at all but im pretty sure i had payment protection, I had a 3.5k limit and spent about 2.5 k and informed MBNA that i can no longer afford to pay ,then they started asking for all kind s of things and I did not reply ,now they are asking for just over 4k!! the letter saya client is aktiv capital but within brackets says MBNA, I am afraid I had to leave behind all the documentation when i had to leave the rented space and landed in hospital with a critical illness , so to make a long story short I have no statements at all, and i have a lot of other debts as well, i went to a soliciter friend of mine and got advice on a an IVA after going through everything I was told it will probably fail as i have hardly any fixed income . but as to my immediate concern is this Formal demand I hope it is not like a statutory demand which i read makes you bankrupt(according to what ive read)!!
  5. many thanks for the reply conniff , I will await a reply from some body
  6. Hi, I have received a letter from Buchanan Clark & wells titled Formal demand on behalf of their client aktiv capital this is a an MBNA debt from late 2011 it already has a default registred from MBNA on my credit file Is this a statutory demand? which could lead to bankruptcy, i don't have a job or any valuables to say the least since i was made redundant in 2011, but i am worried nonetheless , the letter goes on to say that they are unaware of any legitimate reasons of not paying and they may recommend legal action and to contact them immediately any advise on how to respond is much appreciated. Please help
  7. Hi, I am a newbie so please excuse me if i m posting this where I am not supposed to , Here's my story I m sadly in quite a lot of debt which i am not dealing with at the moment , I have be suffering from depression for the major part o the last 3 years resulting from a serious illness in which i nearly lost my life, however to cut a long story short , I might get back to work for the first time since this episode ,I need to take apply for a prepay card,and i explained my situation to the card provider they say there will be no credit search ,but will be a identity check(i was told anti money -laundering) which will show under " other searches" , under the new address . my question is I will be staying with at my mates place so my question is as this identity check will be under my mates address will the DCA's find me at his address( reading these forums i Checked my cra's-equifax and there are a lot of "trace" enquiries at all my previous addresses, they are under other inquiries and attributable data) , will the trace inquiries be able to see this identity-anti-money laundering check at my friends house?? for obvious reasons i don't want anyone knocking at his door could some one help me out ,please i need to start work before i can even begin to think about clearing my debts, please let me know and sorry about the long post
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