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  1. Hi, I hope someone can help me here as my head is bursting with all the anger! I moved out of my flat on 28th July, and the tenancy lasted for a year. After having emailed the landlord and agent on many occasions after the tenancy regarding the deposit, on September 5th I finally received an email about the deposit and that the landlord wants to deduct £3550 from our deposit which was £3960. To be honest I was rather shocked that he would propose such a deduction. First off, when we moved into the flat, there was an inventory done and the inventory left out a LOT of problems which we didn't realise until later (such as the waste disposal utility in the sink which did not work, and we had only tried using it several months after moving in which was why we did not find out til late). When we moved in, there were countless problems such as bathroom, toilet, no peephole in front door, kitchen fan not working, and the most angering problem was that the landlord had left a bunch of his belongings (or previous tenant's belongings) in our flat for two months. (We did not officially move in until 1 month after our tenancy started as we were in another country). When we moved in, his belongings were still there and he did not come to remove them until one month after the tenancy. We also gave him some of his kitchen utensils which we felt was not necessary and so they were given back to the landlord, yet the check out report reported them MISSING. The windows did not close properly (the landlord said that the company who made the window frames do not make them anymore), and the radiators did not work (although he did provide us with separate radiators). We suffered many more problems such as leaks and toilet problems and have contacted the agency and landlord on numerous occasions to get things fixed but no action was taken. The agent said a contractor to come over to MAKE NOTES, and told us they will come back once they have spoken to the landlord and obviously the landlord didn't want to pay for fixing these things therefore left it until the end so that he could deduct it from the deposit. I agreed to pay the damages for the carpet and wallpaper and asked for a breakdown of the cost to all the damages, but I feel that to pay for EVERYTHING for the landlord in order for the flat to be relettable show the landlord taking advantage of us students. The flat was not in a pretty state when we moved in, it was dirty and old. I have tried phoning, texting, leaving voicemails and emailing the landlord but have had no reply whatsoever. I offered to pay £800 through DPS but he rejected my offer. What should I do now? I am an international student and have no idea what to do now. Should I get a solicitor? Thank you to anyone who made the effort to read all of this and if you could help I would be truly grateful! thanks!
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