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Everything posted by cashworries

  1. Hi unclebulgaria67, Thanks for your answer. I cant actually prove he has lied but I thought to be convicted you must have been caught using a tv without a valid license, and I wasnt. Surely if I was caught using a TV he would have had to have seen a tv and not be spoken to through a window It should be for him to prove me guilty not me to protest my innocence. I completely understand what your saying and I really appreciate your advice, looks like I have no choice here. Thanks, CW
  2. Hi Honeybee, Thank you for your reply, Yeah I'm starting to think I'm fighting a losing battle. The courts told me I wouldn't get any representation because it's not an imprisonable offence so I didnt seek legal advice at the time but I will now atleast for some advice. Thank you, CW
  3. Hi all, Apologies if this is in the wrong section. Two years ago myself and my partner separated when I was pregnant, when he moved out he took the tv and the sofa. A few months later when my daughter was only a few days old, a tv licensing enforcement officer called, I was in bed at the time feeding the baby. I spoke to him through the window and asked him to call back, he posted a payment card through the door and left, then I recieved a court summons. On this summons he'd made a statement with a lot of lies eg. I'd said I owned a tv, I had watched tv that day etc. He had my name but no signature, no make or model of any tv, no N.I number and no D.O.B as asked for on the form. I went to court and pleaded not guilty and then it went to trail as it was my word against his. The judge found me guilty because Mr X had worked for the tv licensing for 20 years and maybe I was confused as I'd just had a baby! (exact words). Anyway I was fined £180 plus costs and I have refused to pay, even when the bailiffs came knocking I stood my ground, but now I've recieved a letter from the courts stating I have 7 days to pay in full or I'll be arrested, I dont want to pay this fine, If I was guilty fair enough but I've been fined for something I havent done. Any advice on whats likely to happen when they arrest me please, because I'm not in a position to pay within 7 days anyway. Many thanks in advance
  4. Hi all, yeah I used them, cost me £1200 to put my details in their system for a £150 loan I'd had off cash genie 2 years ago and paid off!!!
  5. Thank you so so much for your advice, I will let you know how I get on x
  6. Thank you, So do you think I should start with the bank manager? I'm going to write letters to all the above mentioned people too
  7. Hi, thank you for your reply, I bank with Natwest (for now anyway), I told the bank and cash genie it was fraud as I never gave my bank details to cash genie but felt I was fighting a losing battle, they bank said it hadnt cleared at the time but they wouldnt cancel it. I'm livid, the banks are supposed to protect your money, but I dont know where to start. Sorry to sound thick but what is OFT? Thank you x
  8. Hi all, its my 1st time posting but im desperate for some help. Sorry in advance for the long post. Back in 2010 I had a loan for £150 from cash genie, I'd had loans from them before without any issues, anyway I had a car accident, was off work and couldnt afford to pay the full amount of £195 so I set up a repayment plan of £50 pcm and they would freeze the interest, after the 1st 2 payments I noticed they were still charging £45 pcm interest so I didnt pay anymore. One morning I woke up, checked my online banking and they had taken everything I had in my account. In total I had now paid £216 back. I started to get emails from carter forbes threatening court action, I replied that as far as I was concerned I had paid and I wouldnt be paying anymore and I cancelled my bank card. I thought that was the end of it. Yesterday there was £1200 missing from my bank which was for my Grandfathers funeral, I thought i'd been a victim of credit card fraud, I phoned the bank and they said it was cash genie and because id used them in the past they couldnt class it as fraud. My cash genie account said loan amount £150, total repaid £1400. Cash genie admitted they got my card details from a sister site and offered to give me £681 which I accepted in desperation, but I want the rest back, Do I have any rights here? Any advice at all please I'd be so grateful
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