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Everything posted by unluckylittleme

  1. thank you for that I have had no record of payments from scott and co and it was the council that sorted it out and told them I was owe nothing but I will be phoning scott and co to get all my payment details as if they cant find that I paid 400 pounds they must be due me thank you anyway
  2. hi I had council tax arrears what was payed off last july with scott & co and my council tax has been up to date so far but last week I had a missed call on my phone from scott and co saying I am still due 90.37 for 2007 so when I got home from work I phoned the council and they said I was due nothing and I am getting a rebate back from them as I have overpaid I got a text message today from them and I told my husband he phoned scott and co but they would not tell him much but he told them I paid 400.00 to finish the debt last year and she said they had no record of this payment if it was paid by credit card I have proof but the council has told me not to pay them as I am clear what do I do as I am sick of being hounded at work
  3. apparently my wages are going to be arrested for the bank loan but they cant take anything off until i pay my council tax arrears wish i near enough have finished paying can they do that?
  4. hi dx just checked my credit says there is no judgments on my report and i am 3/5 score and my score is 608 its tellin me on there that i am owe nothing but i got this letter from bank
  5. hi dx am not sure what it was it came in as he got hold of it and the loan was in joint names and apparently we him being bankrupt i have to pay it all
  6. hi 13 yrs ago my husband and i got a loan for moving in to our new house, it was getting paid every month until my husband moved out he said he was going to pay it the loan ,was only for 5000 but he apparently got another loan on top of it and i didnt know he started up in buisness with someone and it went sour he was apparently made bankrupt and when he was round here visiting the children apparently someone came to door and the bank had made a request from the courts to get me to pay it all back it was in the region of £15k but i got a letter in other day from bank and it has £8,500. so what am i due to pay as i am nearly caught up we the council tax ive just paid nearly 11,000 of that and i struggled to pay it any advice would be appreciated thank you
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