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  1. Well mines been sent back and royal mail says it's delivered so now waiting for some form of conformation... =s
  2. they said to me my subscription wont be cancelled untill they recieve the products back
  3. well just sent it back recored delivery I put every single detail I could find in a cover note and made sure that it was clear that they are to take no money money out of my account. Will be keeping an eye out!
  4. So ive just been given an RMA no. and it has been 4 days since my original order. They offered for my contract to be terminated immidiately if i paid £35 something... and was very temped just to get the whole thing over and done with but instead opted to return everything recorded delivery and will send it back tomorrow. They have also said I have untill the 21/10 to send it back before they charge. This will be interesting. What a palava and I hope nothing like this happens again to anyone! Has anyone been charged since sending products back?
  5. p.s. I got through to Kim... and she wasnt particularly helpful
  6. So I just fell for it. Normally very aware of this kind of thing! I made the order today at 12.35 then saw this forum! rang my bank at 13.24 they have canceled my card and said that cant do anythign untill the moneyt has been taken out.... at 13.34 i rang them and politely asked them to cancel my order and my account they said no, I have to wait for the products. I said can they cancel it as they probably havent been sent out they said they had (umm cause they can operate such a speedy service?!) and I have untill 13th October for money not to be taken out of my account. I then rang my bank again and they said no money has yet been taken even the £4.68(?) postage. I then decided to email on their cancellation email thing with my order number kindly asking if they will not post anything and to delete my account. Im soooo angry and upset. I feel like Ive been invaded after reading everyone elses problems. Any More advice or suggestions please let me know! mcat
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