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Everything posted by biffa1965

  1. jody, a £700 claim would never be placed in fast track anyway, but what you raise is a useful point, even in small claims at the point iam at...am i likley to incurr any charges if this goes to trial ? being small claim i would have thought not.......biffa
  2. UK i think your right mate. she was not interested in the slightest, infact she was somewhat smug ! I reckin iam indeed the 'big test case' they re about to take on. As for D.L.Piper no one from their dept have been in touch yet............you had your cash yet mate?
  3. Folks its lookin very much as if im going to get nothing from this case.i have today spoken to rachel Hinchliffe the BM solicitor dealing with the case. She has confirmed that the case has been refered to D.L.Piper. She didnt seem at all interested in any kind of settlement and merely asked me to fax my proposal to her for onward transmission to D.L.Piper. Didnt seem at all interested in hearing any of the consessions i was prepared to make.
  4. Re your last Zoot (and apologies for diverting this thread somewhat)as you know my claim is for charges from the bristol and west .iam no longer with them and redeemed my mortgage with them 4 yrs ago. so i have no current commitments to them.also ive decided im going no where near the ERC i had with them. do you still think it ok to pursue the charges issue?
  5. biffa v Birmingham Mids 21st MAARCH 2007 11AM LIVERPOOL COUNTY COURT
  6. zoot re your last comments on here ie 'leave off charges'. Are you advocating that we leave just the charges claims to one side for now too?
  7. i can confirm that to date no counterclaim has been made for costs by the defence
  8. cheers tide, what concerns me is the latest defeats, although i appreciate iam small claims and therefore safe of costs, also ukaviatiors comments on his thread about them appointing barristers and fighting it out on everycase. dont get me wrong the court thing is no big deal , being a copper ive spent half my working life in courts, so the worst case scenario as far as im concerned is going to this hearing followed by my solicitor freind and anybody else who wants to come and losin, just tyring to get some cash out of this for me wedding in august.but yeah if they dont budge il go along for the day
  9. letter recieved today from the B+W Dear Sir thanks for letter dated 26th jan 2007 iam investigating wether the litigation files for this matter have been retained and i will write to you shortly. yours sincerley blah blah what do i do ? do i still stick to my time table ?????
  10. Folks iam now at a loss as to where to start any degree of negotiation in relation to this claim. My costs in relation to this claim have been £120 initial mcol fee £100 court process fee £35 application fee (for strike out) the claim itself is about £3,150.00 (with court fees and interest would have been approx £4,005.00 (hence small claim) Iam at LBA stage with a smaller BM ERC (Havent submitted clourt claim yet and wont in all honesty after this charade !) Iam also claiming 350 charges back from HALIFAX bank charges, at LBA Stage (BM all part of HBOS as you are all aware) where do you suggest i start negotiating? what i propbably need to know is what their likley costs would be to go to court on this court date set on the 21st March. I have noted Zoots comments above and reluctantly agree that i need to try and salavage some sort of settlement here prior to court. What are thy likley to be spending in terms of probably referring the matter to D.L.Piper and costs of barristers on the day. i need to try and use this before contacting them tomorrow with a view to my salvaging operation. (tomorrow being the day the solicitor comes back off her hols) God i hate the birmingham mids ! and the courts even more. All help ,guidance and advice would be welcomed.My only ammunition now is to convince them to settle to avoid the costs theyd be incuring in the hearing date. HELP !!!
  11. The court system in this country is a bloody joke !!!!! In the post today i got a court notice stating that the BM had requested an extention of time to submit their bundle by 4pm on 23rd feb 2007, they ve obviously received my bundle and **** themselves and made an immediate application for more time. IN THE MEANTIME i phoned the court and the file has come back down, the judge in his wisdom has ordered that i make a further application to have my request for a strike out of the defence heard at an hearing. This is going to cost me another £35 ! and the hassle of going to court to tell the judge how they failed to adhere to initial court directions. Their pathetic application for more time must have been lying on the file when it went up to the judge with my application for the strike out. YET ANOTHER BLOODY EXAMPLE OF THE COURTS KICKING THE LITTLE PERSOM WHEN THEYRE DOWN. where do i go from here ???? is an hearing likley to result in a strike out of their defence ????
  12. my fear and i must admit(i think will happen) is that the solicitor from BM will resume from her hols on wednesday to find my bundle lying on her desk and immediatly apply for additional time to submit their disclosure regardless of the fact that the judge ordered full disclosure by 26th jan. iam still hopin it goes my way in the next day or so
  13. phoned county court this mornin and this afternoon, chambers section confirmed file still upstairs with the judges.....this is startin to get me down now, just want to know....p.s. by the way still no sign of BMs Disclosure.
  14. i go along with that. Publish your paypal address maroon i havent got alot but i could spare a few quid
  15. cheers Uk given recent events im 100% convinced this is my only avenue to success with regards to this claim,especially given what the barrister allegedly said at maroons hearing
  16. alan like you some of the so called litigation charges go into the £100's. Theyre referred to during the early yrs as legal fees and later as 'litigation' fees. never the less il stick rigidly to my time table.. thanks for your help alan.
  17. Folks in light of recent developments i will be puuting my Bristol and West ERC on hold for the mo. Now the problem i have at the mo, is the following. All my Bristol and West charges combined come to about £3800.00 The litigation fees account for approx £2300.00 of the above. Following alanfromderbys advice i have written to the B+W to ask them to justify the litigation fees, iam almost sure they will not be able to do this. The charges go back to 1996 at the earliest, therefore IF it goes to court with interest added it is going to be fastrack (ive worked it out, just exceeds £5000 with interest added). Now given our recent fastrack upsets (from which we re all still recovering) can anyone see any danger in this? or should this be a foregone conclusion as it relates to charges alone? i dont underestimate the clout of the B+W i .know theryre not the easiest of foes to deal with.
  18. Folks first and foremost i know im posting this thread on the wrong forum as it relates to basic bank charges with the halifax, but the think is, your all so helpful on our mortgage forum that i jusy wanted to throw a 'quickie' at you all. here goes....successfully reclaimed charges back in sept last year from halifax, did not sign any disclaimer to say i would not claim against them again. theyve lumbered me with £333.00 worth of chargs in last two months. can i go after them again, even to court stage. they replied to LBA saying theyre not paying me out, and referred to last sept by saying that although they paid me out they still would apply their charges. Iam fully aware that they will probably withdraw my banking services, but just want to know if i can go aafter them a second time cheers folks....biffa
  19. best of luck with that Giz. to be honest i just hope the judge gives me judgement
  20. no problems there, im dealing with the birmingham midshires no doubt about that one
  21. my case is v Birmingham Midshires. theyre all part of hbos now though. i dont know whether its a blessing or a curse to be dealt with by their own solicitors or that DLA Piper mob theyre farming claims out to
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