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Peacock 69

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  1. Hello, I'm new to this sight but have been reading several posts and would like to put my situation to you (developed over many years which I am ashamed of). I have a DMP with the CCCS for debts around £67000 unsecured and have been successfully paying off my plan to date. I've had this DMP since 2009. I moved to Australia just over a year ago without telling the CCCS (had a job opportunity and was afraid they wouldn't let me go - in retrospect I should have told them!), and now my review is due - in fact a little late. If I tell them I am now in Australia, which I think I should do, will this affect my DMP and do you think the creditors will not accept the review especially as I haven't told them of my position? Should I let them know my Australian address and telephone numbers? I have a house in the UK with no equity that I know of and the mortgage is with NRAM, if the review is not accepted, is it likely that the creditors will want the house sold? The situation gets worse - the mortgage is for about £199000 with an additional secured loan of around £47000. Last valuation of the house last year was for £250000. I have been renting the house out to my stepson but he's now moving out and now I will be renting the house to new tenants. I have no property here in Australia and just rent a house. Could I possibly ask your thoughts on this please?
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