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Everything posted by charlotte18

  1. Thankyou so much for the advice, I will write to them first thing monday morning
  2. Hello, last month I changed the vehicle on my car insurance policy, the company failed to send certificate of insurance or new direct debit amounts. (they claim they did!) I knew the monthly payments would increase but the company would not tell me over the phone the new payment amount stating that their finance team would write to me. Unfortunately they took payment the day before payday and it has been returned, after contacting them today the company are adding a £25 charge to the direct debit. They state as the day didnt change the day of payment they will not waiver the charge. Is this fair? I know that I did know the date but not the amount (they had told me the yearly increase though), Any help would be great, I feel its probably my fault but if there is anything I could say to them to make them remove the charge would be brill. thankyou
  3. Thankyou Ims21 I have a copy of the preliminary letter and list of charges so will post tomorrow. Will let you know how i get on.
  4. user error! the calculator has given me the interest figures now. looking through the statements i noticed costs were originally £40 then in 2009 were reduced to £15 then this year increased to £35. Is this allowed? can you tell me what i should do next? thanks
  5. thankyou for your advice I am in the process of filling in the calculator but the compound interest is 0.00 every time, is this correct? What do you think my chances are of a successful claim? thanks again
  6. Hello, I have a loan with norton finance and over time have accrued charges and default notices. the original loan was for 8000 and now has 4700 outstanding, 1500 of this is arrears. I am now paying 50 over the monthly repayment to clear these arrears. Charges and defaults total 1300. I noticed that charges dropped from 40 to 35, when i questioned the company they said "in fairness to customers" so i feel that they have already admitted these charges are unfair. Is it possible to claim these charges back? I have successfully claimed back bank charges in the past but am unsure if loan charges can be claimed back in the same way. I am also concerned about contacting the loan company while the account is in arrears. any advice would be great thanks in advance
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