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Everything posted by dmb1979

  1. Hi all, I checked this morning & my products were delivered yesterday (25th September.) That was 18 days since I first agreed to their "free trial." I had confirmation in their email that they've cancelled the auto shipment programme so here's hoping I have no further dealings with Slimtone or Body Cleanse!!
  2. Hi Jess I'll let you know how I get on. I have just discovered that they are on Twitter as @SlimTonePlus. I've reported & blocked them but am horrified that others could be sucked in through Twitter. Any fellow tweeters, please help get them off Twitter!!!
  3. Hi all, Just a quick update. Finally got a returns number yesterday at 4.13pm!! Yesterday was day 14 since I ordered the products. This morning I went to the post office & returned the stuff. It cost £9.79 & should get there on Wednesday using Airsure. (I can check delivery online.) My 21 days is up on September 28th. Fingers crossed!! My credit card has already been cancelled & replaced. I rue the day I ever saw their advert but am wiser for it & so glad that I had the support & advice of everyone here. Thank you.
  4. Hi all, I too have fallen for this. I placed my "order" for their free trial on September 7th, received my Slimtone plus & Body Cleanse on the 10th and started taking them. Having lost NO weight - what a surprise! I stumbled across this thread & realised I'd been duped. I've had no joy either emailling or phoning - there's a 72 hour delay inanswering emails & all their operators are busy! I paid by credit card so contacted them & they were great. My card has been cancelled so nobody can request funds & if they do, I can dispute it as I am now refusing permission for any payment to be taken by Slimtone Plus or Body Cleanse. Here's hoping that'll be an end of it!! Should I return the products? I grudge giving them any more money & I've paid for the postage for the trial? That said, it's useless to me so they can have it back!!
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