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Everything posted by markosoft82

  1. Oh I know Renegade, but I'd still like to see it. It wouldn't overly surprise me if it's there, I'd just be interested to see how they've tailored that question on the form
  2. I personally want to see their application form now (I tried submitting one with dummy information but the server spat out a page of errors). I highly doubt that if that option is there, that it's 1)in small writing 2)probably involves a tick box 3)wouldn't stand up all that well in the eyes of the FOS/FSA.
  3. Without a doubt do as mentioned above as a priority, get all CPA's cancelled (and don't take no for an answer, go into the branch and get them to sign a copy of the letter demanding this) and get your card cancelled. This then puts the ball in your court, and not theirs (PDL's). You're also going to have to tell your parents in one form or another, because the PDL's are like babies, and cry when they don't get their own way. I wouldn't write your parents a letter, it seems impersonal. Sit them down and just explain. It wont be easy but... once it's done it's done.
  4. Hi... so I don't know if this is the right area but I couldn't find the unsecured loan section. I paid (I know... stupid idea) Unsecuredloancompany.net a broker fee in Feb 2010, and going through all my records I've just remembered this. They didn't find me a lender however at that time I had a hundred and one things happening at once so I never even thought about claiming a refund. I know it's a long long time ago, but what are the chances of getting that refund, and does anyone know the best way about it? Thanks for any advice
  5. Even if money does somehow get taken out of your account, you've got your actual money in another account with another bank. Which means that the dispute with Santander (although tedious) wont be as time critical as it could have been. You can fight them if the worse case scenario happens and not worry about having nothing to live off. I know you're going to feel better about it once tomorrow is out of the way, however control is back in your hands. Whilst the call centre staff said they couldn't confirm it, the law can.
  6. Couldn't titsik provide a letter from their bank stating that the funds were there on the required date, and then ask why they weren't taken by the PDL?
  7. If you tell them you're about to default on it they will. Otherwise they'll be none the wiser until the day they try and take it. The second you give them a hint of defaulting... they'll be like vultures on your bank account. Which is why I'd always get all CPA's and cards cancelled with the bank first before letting them know that you're going to default
  8. Certainly with RBS the money isn't in the account until about 2am on the day it's due in (that's just my wages though, it might be different with other banks/wages). I'd also advise that if you have to call anyone going forward (which isn't advisable but sometimes unavoidable) then make sure you get everything: name & surname/ext number, time & date of the call and if it's been recorded. If it's not, then ask for confirmation of what you've been told either by letter or email. As soon as you have the details of someone in the company, they are far less likely to fob you off. And terms you're not familiar with, like "other transaction type" don't drop the point until they've explained it. And good luck
  9. I wish I'd known about this site when mackenzie hall had me pay £630 for a 250 loan
  10. The main this is you've now (in regards to QQ) moved the situation into your hands. ONce the payment is defaulted, expect an influx of calls and texts from them as PDL's are like spoilt children when they don't get what they want. But so long as you are making payments, then you're showing willingness to pay. And any excessive charges they wack on... you can tell them to get stuffed.
  11. Your daughter sounds like she knows what she is doing. I'd probably show her this thread too, because when the [unrepeatable ] start being difficult, there are some great people to help you both. And now they've been told not to call your work, they'd be extremely stupid to do so
  12. Great news Bella If GP make your life easier then your fee is worth it, so long as they keep their end of the deal up (which they seem to do according to the poster above), and it may take a while but you'll get there
  13. It's getting a repayment plan set up with an amount YOU can afford and not what they think you should pay that's the problem. Disputing some of the charges or filing multiple i/e forms can lead to delays too.
  14. Cancel the CPA immediately and any card that the PDL's are aware of. Get the cancellation of CPA in writing. You're going to default on them, so you might as well get things in order now. And as renegade has pointed out... as soon as the PDL's know you're going to default, they'll try everything to empty your account.
  15. I can only echo blossom and renegade on this Bella... Ignore that call. It's so far from the truth that it's beyond laughable. You said you write everything down, so you know what you owe. Your dmp are dealing with the sharks now, so once more, don't worry. You might get calls/emails/letters because pdl companies still like to try and get more out of you. If you get a call, don't even entertain it. And if they start spouting rubbish, ask for it in writing at the address they have for you (never tell them anything. They have your details). You're on the right track so good luck
  16. It's almost shockingly disgusting how mini credit have acted. 4 pdl companies have accepted your payment plans... Some easier than others but all the same. And as for leaning stream... Good luck. They didn't answer my correspondence until they'd added a few charges onto my account a couple of years ago
  17. I really hope you cause them a headache, they are an utter... I can't actually say what I think of them. Good look op
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