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Everything posted by agy

  1. slick132, I will do that. thank you
  2. Hi, Thank you for your replies lovely people. I have done some reading today, similar stories. It is amazing how they (harlands/crs) operate. I will try to ignore it for now, but it won't be easy as I don't like uncle situations and also I do worry about court case possibility. on the other hand I do not want to have any contact with them whatsoever. I am shocked after all this years back to square one again. Anyway, will keep you posted and hopefully no need for more help. Muldy, thanks for visiting my post and congrats with your case, but sorry you need to go through all of this.
  3. Hi everyone. Unfortunately, again harlands story. My previous posts in here from 2014. Since then I did hear from them until last Friday. I have received letter from Debt collectors stating that they add another £36 and demand the payment. They also mentioned that they were looking for me as I moved houses. Yes, I did in April 2015, but from June 2014 - April 2015 no more correspondence from them. My, question, again as mention in previous posts to ignore it. Should I ignore it? I the last post Muldy mentioned that they managed to get CCJ against her. I am worried. Appreciate any advice, thank you agy
  4. Hi everyone. My father in law has a bumpy ride with One Call Insurance. He decided on the online quote online. Please, tell me if we being overdramamtic over the dociments request? He send them copy of driver licence which they said they can’t recognise and asked him to contac DVLA for the code. They asked for insurance No, is this common thing? He is not the young bloke and stress about all af this as this going on for over two weeks. He thought to cancel it and find easier way to insure his car but I wonder if he will be charge fines as the 14 days cancellation period is gone now. Please, advise what he should do. Thanks Agy
  5. I don't feel I need to reply, but I have bad experience with debt collectors. few years ago we sold the house, tenant of the people who bought it, somehow was using my details (I think she must have some of my letters) to catalog shopping. It took me nearly two years to clear my name. I getting a goosebumps seeing a red letter. I will try to ignore it for now and will see. many thanks slick.
  6. hi again, no reply to my last letter but instead I have one from CRS demanding and extra £104.40. my balance is now £394.40. is scary.
  7. I will definitely let you know. Many Thanks.
  8. hi everyone. just updating. I received respond from harlands regarding my letter. They still demanding whole amount of £290.00 by the 16th May 2014, otherwise they will passed to in-house collection team CRS with further fees. I your opinion , should I respond to that or not. also, I am worried if they pass it to CRS would this affect my credit score in future?
  9. hi slick, letter sent, cant wait for the outcome. thank you again. I wish Happy Easter to all.
  10. oh, well. I didn't received any letter, but in their statement I did and as a result of anger I didn't notice them about cancellation. I just cancelled DD. I can see clearly now that I scrued this big time. stupid me.
  11. hello everyone. my mother has had nasty fall. I was looking after her for few days and with work in between I had no time to open my laptop. i will attach the contract details. BSD is a private business. they used to run classes in gym in bromley and keston, now they had their facility.
  12. Yes, probably, but I still need to pay all this money plus admin fee. I haven't been remained about renew ( they stated I was). I know mistake on my part is not giving them a notice, surly, but I just wonder how I can reduce the payment if this possible.
  13. 6 months. finished in November 2013.
  14. hi, thank you for your reply and reassurance. seems I am doomed. there is note about automatic renew.
  15. hello everyone. I am in deep mess with harlands, due to automatic membership renew. i joined Bromley Self Defence in May 2013 with my son. Monthly fee was ridicules but because I was attacked carjacked few months earlier I would pay for anything that will restore confidence and ease the stress. I paid monthly £80. anyway I have signed the contract. from what i understood i was tied up for 6 months, but after 8 months I realized that they keep charging me. at that time me and my son didn't attended classes anymore. I cancelled my DD and start receiving letters from Harlands demanding monthly repaiment and admin fee. I contacted Bromley Self Defence but received information that my contract stated that i will be renew with contract after 6 months if didn't cancel in advance and that also Harlands sent me letter saying i have two weeks to cancel or will be renewed. i didn't received any letter. now my balance is £210 and I seriously don't know what to do. please advise me, this is beyond my understanding.
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