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  1. Hi renegadeimp Thanks for the reply, So basically pay them this £40 a month for a few months clear what i actually owe and then leave it? Shall i change my number so they cant contact me anymore? I know they will never send anyone round to the house. Their letters are printed on cheap paper i even have a letter from them that has coffee ring stain on the back! This was sent like that! Do i need to know anything else to combat these loan sharks? I am paying the rest of my debts through PayPlan and they are all fine with it, Its just Toothfairy and Friends.
  2. Hi everyone Can you help me out with this then? I have repaid £232 so far through my debt management plan and through the payment of the rest of the loan leaving me with about £240 left to pay maybe? Should i just pay this and then refuse to pay the rest? Thanks again.
  3. Hi princess901028 I am in the middle of dealing with these loan sharks at the moment ill try and help you out the best i can. So i got desperate needing cash to go out so stupidly went to Toothfairy Finance for a payday loan of £200 (This Later became £400) Ended up spending just on £295 of it i think so repaid the rest to Toothfairy through their website bringing the balance down. The repayment date came around and the balance was around £492 repayment i opted to roll it over for £72 (without knowing this was only for 2 weeks) A month passed and i received a phone call from a Blocked number, it was NDR or Northern Debt Recovery saying that i had missed my repayment date and my balance was now £700! When i asked how the balance could have gone from £492 to £600 in 2 weeks he got really aggressive saying it was a serious matter that i had not repaid in the time frame given. I had the money to pay the £492 back now so offered to pay him the £492 and he said (My Name) This has gone too far now you are in breach of your contract and we need this debt settling today. I did apologise saying i did not realise it was only 2 weeks i logged in on my phone and rolled the balance over its an easy mistake to make. He said he would accept £600 today and that would be it account closed. As you can imagine i couldnt afford that i was happy that i had the amount to pay what i thought. After numerous times of me saying i could not afford £600 i offered him £530 for the fact i obviously misread the dates. His answer then was right we need to escalate this matter your obviously refusing to pay and he hung up on me!. Very unprofessional. That was the last i heard of him for a week, in the meantime i had been to my local citizens advice and they had already heard of Toothfairy and NDR and said they are difficult to deal with. ANYWAYYYYY you have been through all the letters and that so i will cut to the chase TODAY 14/09/2012 i am on a debt management plan with PayPlan. I have a few debts mainly payday loans on here every single one of them accepting monthly payments and i havent had a single letter off any apart from Toothfairy. In the past week i have had 12 calls from NDR and a company called MHB (Marshal Hoares Bailffs) LIERS! they are all part of the same company. They have contacted my mobile and my works number and sent emails to me about Door step Collections in 7 days. PayPlan have been sending them monthly payments which they have been cashing and i hadnt heard anything from them for a good few months so thought they had finally given in. I finally spoke to the man called John who said my balance was now £1680 and is going to increase by £72 tomorrow if i dont enter onto a payment plan as they are not accepting Debt Management offers. He said he would accept £40.00 a month and offer me a deal of £1000 if i agreed to pay on my next payday (28th) of this month. I informed him i would have to speak to my debt management company and asked for his number to call him back which he obliged. PayPlan told me that Toothfairy/NDR/MHB are all part of the same company MHB are NOT bailiffs and they are already under investigation by the OFT. However they said they have numerous clients with accounts with Toothfairy all in the same boat. They said i can pay them £40.00 otherwise the balance will just keep gettng bigger and bigger they never take you to court but the balance eventually could reach £10,000! one of their clients has a balance of £4390 with these people! I phoned them back and offered to pay the £40.00 via direct transfer from myself so i was in control. I spoke to a man called Wayne who said he could lower my balance to £1400! I informed him that his colleague had offered me £1000. THIS IS WERE YOU CAN HAVE THEM. They say calls are recorded so i said check your recordings from John he offered me £1000. Wayne then started to stutter going he shouldnt have offered that its not company practice. So i am now on a payment plan of £40.00 a month until September 2014. I get a bonus of £600 each year so ill just pay it off and have done with these sharks. If you are worried about them coming round to your house DONT BE! They will never turn up they will never take you to court. I dont know how they get away with the charges but i just want them out my life so i have started to bring my balance down. STAY AWAY in future these people are criminals! They need to be shut down.
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