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  1. I have just had the same problem. I checked my balance today to find that two amounts of £75 have been debited from my account. I called the company immediately to get my money back and, as lots of other people have said they just keep saying over and over that I agreed to the terms and conditions when I ordered the trial. I think the way to deal with this is actually from the angle that thye have taken money using a debit card without authorisation. I contacted my bank who cancelled the debit card used so that Slimtone cannot take any more unauthorised payments. This is obviously a recognised problem because the cs team at the bank advised that I set up a dispute with Slimtone. Tbank have refunded this money whilst they investigate and should they find that the money was taken illegally I will keep the refunded money. I would advise anyone in the same situtation as me to get as much help as you can from your bank rather than trying to get anywhere with Slimtone. Good luck
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