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Disgruntled Kia

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Everything posted by Disgruntled Kia

  1. Hi Vickie, I reported Mr Long to the TS through CAB { or so I thought }and also to the Police who agreed that he was indeed using a vehicle to acquire money by deception on the pretence of selling it, then reneging on the sale, apparently it is not the first time. They gave me a crime number and said that he was under investigation. When I rang the Police on Monday{ 19th Nov} they told me that they do not have the manpower to go after him. I think that they are more interested in getting the newly appointed police Commissioners feet under the table before dealing with any real Police work... The CAB have advised me to now write him another letter requesting he gives me the money back, after they told me to threaten him with court???? And the trading standards will only get involved through CAB intervention { the CAB will not involve the TS and I am finding it hard to get them to intervene} ...In My opinion it is a joke judicial system in this country that only the bad survive.. .Again It appears that the dodgy car salesmen and conmen of this land have won yet again. ...Bye Bye deposit
  2. Just a quick update. I have now had a ring back from the police who have advised me that they will be looking into my complaint as they have had "several " complaints in various trading names about mr Long and his antics...They are going to treat it as a criminal matter... There is a light at the end of the tunnel..
  3. I actually agree in principle, but in reality there is no-one to listen on just a small monetary some . The hundred pounds will not make him rich, nor will it make me poor, albeit it could be put to good use out of my pocket than out of his...:}
  4. Thank You Sam, I feel that the time I take in persuing this cowboy is just wasting my own time and money as there are obviously more than I and owed a lot more money I have just read this article on the web lancashiredieselcentre dot co dot cc I think the man on there has some cause for TS as well
  5. I have just come of the phone from the CAB. They have informed me that the only way to get my money back is through the small claims court, I for one wished I had done this in the first place as calling the CAB and trying to involve the TS is, in my opinion, a total waste of time. It seems that unless there is profit for the TS to get involved, I.e fines for clocking and selling un-roadworthy vehicles { again the TS take them to court and get awarded costs } They are totally uninterested. It also appears to me that "Andy Long" knows this and is totally aware that no action will be taken against him in relation to any of his crimes...Andy Long did offer to refund me my money after receiving the registered letter but only if I gave him my bank account details { At that I laughed , as why on earth would I give someone who is trying to rip me off my bank account details} I then rang him and left a message saying that if he was genuine about giving me my money IN CASH that I would be willing to drive back to his pitch and collect it.. All to no avail as I am still awaiting his response almost two months later. The police said that it is a civil matter and when I asked them was it not fraudulent to take the money by deception , they said I should have give him my bank account details as the banks have things in place to stop people from rifling peoples accounts.. I said to the officer that last year someone emptied my bank account in Spain whilst I was at work in Rochdale and he said " that's a matter to take up with the bank " He also said that £100.00 is not a big sum to try and rip someone off by, but if you rip 5 people a week off with it then it all adds up to quite a good wage..Anger is now setting in as I seem to be just going round in circles....
  6. I sent a letter registered post { as advised by citizens }and they informed me to advise him that a refund must be paid within 14 days or he would be reported to the TS. I did what they advised and rang CAB back after 14 days..The woman who I spoke to said. " Ok now send him one first class asking him to repay you" ????? I explained that I had already used the threat of the TS and that I would now sound like I was begging for my £100.00 instead of actually involving the TS.. She said that it was what I had to do and that if I had not heard from him within another 7 days to ring her back...I presume it is not in the hands of the TS as I have heard nothing since...The letter was received and signed for by "Andrew Long" AKA Andrew Smith..In my opinion this guys deserves jail for clocking and for misleading customers into leaving deposits. { he told me that ...I WOULD HAVE TO LEAVE A DEPOSIT AS HE HAD SOMEONE COMING FROM LONDON TO SEE THE VEHICLE}
  7. I have had a similar problem with this dealer...His name is Andy Long { he also trades as G H Car Sales} and he sold me a Kia Sedonna, I took him £100 deposit and he said the vehicle would be ready for collection on the Monday as it had failed its MOT on a couple of things. No phone calls was received and after telephoning him around 10 times he eventually answered and told me the parts was on back order and he would deliver the car to me in Rochdale {about 30 miles away} the day after...It never arrived and the phone I rang was just going to answer machine. Late that day he phoned to tell me that the KIA had cost him a lot more money to put through the MOT and that I would have to give him more money. I told him that I had an arrangement and a hand written receipt and that I would just have my money bad and put it down to a bad experience, He said he would deliver the money "Later" as he was passing Rochdale on the way to the auction..He never came , I too have sent him a letter as requested by citizens and also a letter requesting he paid me back within 14 days, He now never answers his phone and I am awaiting what trading standards are doing with this rogue trader...
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