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Everything posted by ifhthsbdw

  1. So when we had bodies unburied, waste uncollected, pay rises of 20% etc and spiralling, that was about right was it? Its that what you'd like to return to?
  2. I'm not a Tory. The bit about Squaddie's post I agreed with was about putting Blair before a war crimes tribunal. That I would love to see. I don't believe in capital punishment, so I wouldn't want to see Blair dead. I actually think it would be a better punishment to let him live but without the liberty to spend his ill-gotten gains.
  3. As this is a "well-known fact", please be good enough to supply some evidence. I for one think that is complete crap.
  4. I agree with you completely. Unfortunately, the firing squad won't happen, but he would get plenty of time inside to reflect.
  5. No, you wouldn't. That's because they just can't do hate and evil like the left. All of this is a good thing in some ways because it will open the eyes of the public to what is just below the surface of the nice (but totally useless and ineffective) Mr Miliband's Labour party.
  6. I wouldn't be so vile as to celebrate the death of somebody in that way. Sorry, I just can't lower myself to your standards.
  7. Of course not. What could have been a case of manslaughter by a left-wing nut job is completely irrelevant.
  8. Again, you're quite right. But as I said, it does point to where the hatred and evil in this country lies - with the left.
  9. Nah. Wouldn't go. Not keen on funerals. Strangely, I remember coming across Margaret Thatcher in the west end of London once during the Miners' strike. She was going into the BBCs Broadcasting House at what was then the Extension entrance. I had a measuring rod in my hand at the time - the sort that unfolds. It was quite heavy and she walked right across my path from about 2 feet away. I could easily have smashed her over the head with it and got myself 15 minutes of fame and a good duffing up from the coppers that were guarding her. What struck me was how small she was. If it had been that b*stard Scargill I wouldn't have hesitated.
  10. Nice way to obscure things, given that we are not talking about government policy here. We're talking about about the low-life **** who have been having death parties because of the demise of a former Prime Minister. Check the news stories out, I'm sure you won't find any of these pond life are card-carrying members of the Conservative party. You'll probably find quite a few Socialists though.
  11. You're quite right, they are. Let's hope that nobody throws any fire extinguishers at the police this time.
  12. Precisely. It was good to see hard-working, dedicated professionals getting rewarded for the service they gave for their country. In one way it is good now to see what is going on at the moment. Some of the scenes we have witnessed over the last few days have been quite sickening, but at least it clearly defines where the hate and evil really lies in this country - with the left.
  13. The garbled sentences I referred to were just that. The broadcasts were dreadful too. They weren't an 'alternative view' they were blatant propaganda and lies. As to T shirts, I remember one that a mate of mine had - he was a copper at the time with Avon and Somerset Police and spent months helping to bust Scargill's illegal, intimidatory and undemocratic strikes. It had emlazoned on it "ASPOM" which was meant to stand for "Avon & Somerset Police Operation Miner". The Coppers however dubbed them "Arthur Scargill pays our mortgages", which of course was true in a lot of cases given the amount of overtime the cops earned. As to anything else you post, I will bear in mind that you appear to be a fan of Sinn Fein. Tells me all I need to know about you to be honest.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22079887
  15. Well we can afford for the taxpayers to fund Trades Unions to the tune of £113 million per year, so we can afford this. http://www.taxpayersalliance.com/unionfunding2012.pdf
  16. Yep. Lions led by a complete and utter Donkey.
  17. I managed to pick out one or two sentences from this garbled, unpunctuated rubbish. I take it "Radio Arthur" was a completely independent and propaganda-free broadcasting organisation was it? If it was about jobs, then it was a bit of a cock-up don't you think? By the time that dickhead Scargill called off the strike, most of the mines were probably unworkable. What a great Union Leader Arthur was. He predicted the mines would all be closed and, because of him, they were. Brilliant! While people are paying their respects to Thatcher and while other, sick and puerile individuals are holding their death parties, it might be worth sparing a thought for David Wilkie, murdered by NUM members during the Miners' strike: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/16/newsid_2512000/2512469.stm
  18. You've got no right to 'prefer' whether or not people comment on anything. Would you feel free to comment on the 2nd world war even though you 'weren't there'? You have every right to. I know your comment wasn't aimed at me, but I will feel free to comment on the Falklands if I so wish, even though I 'wasn't there' and if you don't like it, you can always unsubscribe.
  19. Oh, it would have to be an OFFICIAL poll would it? Presumably conducted by you? I could be wrong though, it could be Gordon Brown or even the slimeball Blair.
  20. I'm not sure of the protocol for ex Prime Ministers. One dying is not an everyday occurrence. I suspect that there would be some kind of state involvement, even for the likes of the useless Brown, who never actually won an election. As for Miliband, If we are ever mad enough as a nation to elect that boy as Prime Minister, when he croaks we can make a rocket and fire him to the moon alongside gromit.
  21. Not unreasonable for probably the greatest peace time Prime Minster this country has ever had.
  22. Yeah, they were all in it together during the Miners' strike weren't they?
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