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  1. No I am for all intents and purposes based abroad - but I dont want to mess my UK position and may need to return to UK if work/job/relationship heads that way - trying to keep options open. I also dont want to avoid paying what I owe.. I borrowed/rate / card shuffled and I was foolish to get into such a position. Hindsight, No I want to resolve my UK position and avoid CCJ Courts route. Question SAR to all OC's? CCA's to all requestors - I am not sure exactly who is after what. What's my best option that wont rouse the beast but get me down the route of discounted settlement. Thanks for any advice. I got a clock ticking....
  2. Been there..but you're doing the right thing by at least trying to sort things. One piece of advice..make sure you have your priorities...the reason why you are doing what you are doing. Its sad but you should consider the following as most important..and (IMHO) they normally go something like this. 1) Work - its your income/career/future.. you have worked hard (school/college/uni/jobs..) for this... and there's no reason why your past should impact this going forward so dont let it! Do what you need to protect this and your ability to earn -don'f mess up in work if your struggling worrying about debts.See next point.. 2) Health (keep strong mentally) and emotionally - don't let this impact your relationships - especially as you mention girlfriend. However - be careful not to take on other peoples problems (debts) if you are struggling - does she know your situation? You wont have to go far to disoiver how destructive debt is on personal front. Hiding or keeping truth from loved ones is BS..Unless you really can deal with it yourself the reality (IMHO) is that it is much better to be candid and upfront. If she doesnt like it and leaves - well thats tough but at least you know where you stand - imagine if you had mortgage and debts and negative equity!Thrown in kids and divorce and maintenance payments!! You'd be liable for so much more.. Keep that sense of perspective. Together as a team you will be stronger. Trust builds relationships - and she might be stronger for it too- also may help spur her on with dealing with her (unemployment..been there too..tough but need to pick self up get back in fight...) 3) Analyse and review your current situation/budget - Not sure on your rent situation .. are you living together / joint or sep liable for rent? Who's name is the tenancy agreement in. If it comes to it can you quit early - downsize or move to a smaller/cheaper place? How realistic is the budget - do you budget together, how equal and fair is this - how has it changed with recent events. What simple things can you both do. 4) Options - safety net.. Look on these forums for parachute account.. basic bank account. You dont need OD - you dont need credit card. You can get a basic bank account - review who you have debts with and check none of these are in same group (SET OFF rules) You can get your employer to pay this into this account. All legal and will help you budget etc. This will remove your fear on banks nabbing money... Hope this helps good luck
  3. OK so here's the brief story - messed up all finances as marriage broke down. Thought that I would be able to negotiate with my ex (and lower maintenance payments as most of the debt was incurred in relation to travel / access to 2 children who live with her abroad..) Foreign divorce proceedings didn't consider my financial position and as these Credit Cards and bank account were solely in my name evidently its my personal debt. So approx 20K unsecured debt in cards and 2k overdraft. Haven't been able to or made payments to cards for 1.5/2 yrs. Bank withdrawn facilities - all debts in DCA (in house) or sold on..Some of the creditors are getting pishy DN's sent and either threats or letters informing of impending direct court action - which is looking v likely with 2 of the debts (both in excess of 5k). I have completed a I/E and formal budget sheet with CCAS which shows what I already know - I am spending more than I have coming in. I am balancing the books by making sacrifices (and some family help with food/shopping) and so ongoing not spending more than have. I have contacted the OC's previously (seems not all of them rec'd this or had passed the debt on already) and shared CCAS information and got some holding time. I havent however been able to make token payments partly as my banking facilities have been withdrawn. My (new) other half (is not entirely aware of the extent of these issues) and I cannot ask her to use her account to meet these payments. Due to a change in our circumstances (new baby) we have now moved to Europe where she has family. Even with these changes I still wont have any spare money (having redone the I/E). I have supportive family and one member has stepped forward to offer limited help. How do I resolve my debts ? I have made a start on these forums but am confused on SAR/CCA and other letters.. I'm not sure I have time to do these? Can anyone shed any light on what I should do strategically - and where to reslistically start ?
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