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Everything posted by S27

  1. This company have caused me nothing but grief in the last year. They began emptying my account back in June and luckily my bank stopped them and I called up asking what they were doing and asking where they found my account details. They said I had applied for a loan on their website and they were taking owed payment. There and then I agreed a payment plan. The payment was due at the end of July and it never came out and again in August. I wrote an email asking why and they said it's their mistake and they now have it all set up. Today, I've been paid half my wage as I changed jobs halfway through the month and have been left with £5 in my account. Checked the transactions and low and behold, look whose emptied my account. Some snobbish 18 year old is telling me I've breached their t&c by applying for another loan with them. I said their website no longer exists, she said I could have been on another website that was owned by them otherwise I should get a crime ref for fraud. I said isn't it fraud to pose as another website? She said there is nothing they can do and I shouldn't have applied for more credit if I was struggling to pay back. I said its companies like you who leave me no choice and now on payday I'm left wondering how I'm meant to make it until October 31st. I told her that the company was full of [problem] artists to which she replied 'that's nice'. This company have now cleared me out, half my direct debits are due out on Monday and they won't clear. I am trying so hard to pull myself out of PDL hell and things like this keep happening. On the plus side I hope that that is my dealings with them done but at the same time, how fraudulent is it to pose as a different company to [problem] money from customers? Dont think I'll ever see that money again and god knows how I will survive the month or get to work.
  2. The words 'responsible lending' I find a con. I know the amount of debt I am in is my own fault but the last year I have started up payment plans with them and tried to get myself back on track. I have 3 that I use still, WDA which this month I paid off in full and then had to reapply because it is a huge amount. Now I am having trouble with Quid Market. They gave me a PDL when I probably shouldn't have been accepted but it was a massive help none the less. Last month, I was going to pay off my loan in full so I didn't respond to any of the defferal messages and thought it would be dealt with. As I thought it had been dealt with and as I recieved a tiny bonus as well last month, I splashed out on my boyfriends birthday present before realising I may have over spent so I would apply for my QM loan due to me. When I went on my account area, it looked like it was saying my account was outstanding but I owed nothing, so I emailed their customer services and said you've made an error and I wish to reapply. They then said ohh no there was a fault so we didn't take the payment but out fault we will hold off and take payment at the end of the month. one hour later, I had my banks fraud squad on the phone for all these attempts to take money off my card. They told me the name of the company and because they were authorised card payments, there was little they could do. Fuming, I called QM to ask what they were playing at as they had admitted it was their fault. They refunded my money, which sat in uncleared funds for over a day until I called and demanded it back right now as i would probably get penalised and it was them who emptied my account. The end of the month comes along and with me starting a new job soon, I thought i should defer this loan and save a bit. I didn't get an email from them, so i emailed customer services and got no response. Payday comes around and they take full payment, bang on time. I thought OK, I'll just have to reapply for one, and as my WDA loan had been wiped by that one, I went to apply for it there and then. I sent through my details, as per, and they asked if they could have my new work details as I had explained I needed to change my paydate, I said I hadn't had them confirmed but I was still at my current place for the time being. Then I got a decline from them. Wasn't too panicked at first because, they had done this before and someone had 'ticked' the wrong box apparently. Anyway, I called and got through to possibly one of the most condescending idiots ever. He said they have a system and apparently the amount I pay out now is over that and therefore it would be irresponsible for them to lend to me. I said I've never not paid them back on time, where he then said I had last month, I said I could send them every email I had which they took all the blame. I said you didnt even send me a note that it was due, he said we did, we sent 5 and then ratteled off dates in July, I said I got those, I mean where were the ones in August. He then kept saying because you defaulted and we didn't charge you...I had to keep reminding him that I didn't default it was their fault. He said no no no, they were nice enough not t charge me, I said you admitted it was your fault. Anyway he gpes on to say he doesn't like turning customers away but they have to be responsible. It is my own fault but now, with 3 weeks until payday, I have nothing. Last year, I admitted to my mum I was in trouble and she helped me but we fell out massively and didn't speak for 3 months. I've just got a new job, I get to finally move up in the world and now I'm in a horrible position so I can't be happy about it. If I go to my mum again, it will be 100th handout probably and shes a single woman, 2 kids, I am an adult, who is useless. I am trying and I know it is my fault, but I have a new boyfriend who I'm scared will chuck me if he knows about this and also run the risk of falling out with my mum again. I've no one else to turn to and of course, the lure of applying for more PDL's to try and get myself back on track is failing as no one is willing to lend to me. I doubt there is anything else I can do besides see the dissapointment in my mums eyes again. My niece is having her first birthday party this weekend and I can't afford to get there let along buy her a present. I hate that everytime I think something is going right, something like this happens and it never seems to end. Advice or just understanding would be really welcome. I feel so alone when it comes to debt and no one understands. S
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