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  1. I havent spoke to them on the phone but will refuse to. Upto now all communication has been via email and i have the email with them sugessting i should. Neither, this was just me as a person not acting under any company
  2. One email say "that if a minimum payment of £100 is not recieved then the debt will be passed onto our solicitors" Another email states "that if regualr payments are not recieved then it will be passed to there solicitors to take court action" That amount was set by them, not me. There is no written agreement and nothing declaring interest charges. The DCA has also asked me, becuase i am a home owner could i raise the money to pay it any other way
  3. The provided a consultancy to me, and would invoice me for the next 3 months consultancey. Finished with them over 3 years ago 20k the only repayment terms agreed was that i had to pay a minimium of £100 per month, no other terms were specified. No credit agrement, orginally there was a sort of agreement that i was pay 3 months upfront, that was it. The sellers doesnt have a consumer credit license. With regard to the verbal agrement, they said to me that they would be happy to accept a minimum of £100 per month, if this agreement was nt maintained then they would pass this to there solicitors to recover the monies.
  4. What background info would help? The DCA is Daniels Silverman
  5. I was intending to, and i keep track of every payment. Also what the DCA are trying to claim is interest charges of 36%. Again at the time of the conversation agreing the new payments there was no mention of interest charges. Thank you
  6. Originally it was verbal, but i do have an email confirm that as long as i maintain payment then no further action would be taken.
  7. Hi, Some time ago a company supplied a service to me, for which i was paying as i went, i then hit financial troubles, spoke to the comapny and they agreed to continue with the services and pay monthly instalments. For which i have and kept within this agreement. For some reason out of the blue i recieved a final demand from a DCA, and i basically they are saying if i cant pay the whole balance now then they will issue me with statutory demand, which i am lead to believe is the first step to start bankrupcy. I have tried asking the DCA to let me carry on with the monthly payments, which he is refusing. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks
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